Chapter 70

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Klaus's POV

I woke up and saw Caroline, I smiled but quickly faded away when I remember that we were not together and this was just for show. At least, I could be with her in my arms... I hope she isn't mad about last night, it was like something came over me and all I wanted was to be with her one more time.

"Good morning" Caroline said with a sleepy voice making me smile.

"In deed it is, love."

"Klaus?" She said still with her cute sleepy voice.

"Yes, sweetheart."

"Can I use you like a my personal pillow just for a few minutes?" She asked me making me smirk because she used to ask me that when we were in the prison.

"Of course." I said and she rest her head in my chest, I put one arm around her waist and then travel my hand from her waist to her hair and start to stroke her hair because I remember that she liked when I did that.

"That's nice. Keep doing it." She said and I kept doing and enjoying feeling of her soft gold hair in my fingers, and sometimes I kissed the top of her head.

I suddenly felt her hand on my arm and traveling to my chest, and she asked me "what is the meaning of this tattoo?"

"Freedom." I said and noticed that she start to move her hand from my chest to my arm, really slowly and her touch felt like something no other women had ever made me feel, it was like all my body was telling me to have her just for her touch.

"It's nice..." She said and I smiled, then she moved slowly to be on top of me. "I like it. I like to be like this, in your arms. And I miss it too... I miss being like this."

I try to see if this was a trick but her eyes just showed me honesty. She leaned and leave just a few inches of distance between our lips.

"I miss the feeling of your lips on mines." She said and then leaned slowly to my ear "I missed how we could be together in a room for days just enjoying each other's bodies." She then moved to my neck and said lowly "how we drank from each other."

Then I felt her lips on my neck and in a blink she was drinking for me, and after awhile I moved her around to be now on top.

"You're making really hard for me to not..."

"Shhh... I don't want to talk or think. I just want you, right here and right now." She said and kissed me with hunger, I kissed her right back and just broke the kiss to make sure if she really wanted, I had the confirmation in her eyes and kiss her with all my passion.

"I love you Niklaus Mikaelson." She told me with her beautiful smile then kissed me once again, and then...

What? It was just a dream? But it was so... Real and intense. I looked at the other side of my bed and saw a note from Caroline saying that she woke up first and decided to let me stay sleeping.

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