Chapter 10

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Klaus's POV

I passed the day talking with Caroline about the places I visited and about the beauty of them, she smiled and listen to every word I said. She made me talk about my siblings and how I feel about them, she is the only person that I trust enough to to talk about my feelings and not compel her to forget about what I told her, actually I promise myself that I would never compelled her.

She was now looking at something of a camera, from the sudden I saw her smile.

"What is it?" I asked

"Just some videos that I made with my friends."

"Can I see it?" I asked and she nodded, then she walked over the tv and put the camera connected to the tv so we could both see and hear the videos.

There was a video that it was Caroline singing in the Grill, the other was Caroline dancing with Bonnie and Elena, there was one that was Bonnie making pillows father's fly in the air, there was another that it was Tyler showing how it was the Christmas Eve which was Caroline ordering people what should do and that she needed to do everything because no one knew how to do things right, there was a video of her and her friends playing pictonary and then it ended with a video of Caroline, Tyler, Matt, Stefan, Bonnie and Elena hugging.

"Well, now I am going to make a new video." She said smiling and grabbed her camera. "Hello everyone! I am Caroline Forbes and today I have as my guest Niklaus Mikaelson." She said and then pointed to me making me chuckle.

"Hello everyone! How you should guess I am Klaus."

"Klaus, tell us what is it to be stuck in a prison and living with a control freak."

"It's a little boring living the same day over and over again. But the part of living with a control freak doesn't bother me, I am a control freak too. Why do you think I have always a back-up plans, I have spies everywhere and I want to be always in charge." I said smirking and she gave me a smile.

"Okay. And what is the thing that you are enjoying the most... Considering" she said.

"Being with you" I said serious and looking deeply into her eyes.

"Same right back you." She said smiling and with her eyes sparkling, then she grabbed the camera and said "If you could chose to talk to anyone that is in the real world for one day, who would that person be?"

"I don't need anyone. I have you."

"That's sweet but I want a real answer." She said.

"Maybe Rebekah. She was the one who never turn her back on me, even after everything I've done." I said and she nodded.

"Well, she is loyal."

"And you? Who would you chose to talk to you?" I asked and wondered if she was going to say it was Tyler or Stefan.

"Probably Bonnie. She is like a sister to me and she probably feels guilty about putting me here." She said and I just nodded then she stopped recording.

"Why did you end the video?" I asked her.

"It was getting too sad." She told me and then added while laying down on the couch with her head resting in my lap. "Do you know what will be one of the firsts things that I would do?"

"No. What?" I asked while stroking her beautiful blonde hair, that shine like the sun.

"Going to a bar full of people or go just to the cinema with someone and eating some popcorns, but specially... I miss be in a party hanging out with my friends and having fun."

"What do you think about we do all of that when we find a way to get out of here?" I asked and she looked now at me.

"Are you talking serious?" She asked and I nodded, in the next second she was hugging me "Thank you so much. What can I do to repay you?"

Caroline's POV

"You can sleep with me." He said and then gave me his puppy dog eyes. Who could say no to that? I can't believe that he is the most fear person in the supernatural world. How can he be considered be a villain with that smirk, those dimples, that accent... And besides, I would lie if I said I didn't like to sleep with him, in his arms...

"Fine. But no funny business" I said and he nodded with his usual smirk.

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