Chapter 64

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Caroline's POV

We were now seating on the bed, I rested my back on his chest and my arms were wrapped around me.

"Do you remember how easy it was when we were in the prison?" I found myself asking him.

"Yes, there was nothing against us. It was like a vacations, except the Mikael thing." Klaus said.

"Yeah... We just stayed home talking and talking about everything. I missed that." I told him and added "and how we stayed hours just being with each other watching a movie or something..."

"Yes, that was the time I enjoyed more because I didn't played much attention to the movies, just to you and your beauty" he said making me blush but he didn't saw it.

"How I felt your soft skin in my lips, how I just stayed there to be with you and kiss you." He said and kissed my neck.

"Klaus... We shouldn't." I tried but he seemed to not hearing me.

"Remember how we looked like 2 peaces of the same puzzle." He whispered to my ear and kissed my cheek, then the corner of my lips and then got back to my neck. That was like torture because it felt good but I knew I couldn't, it must be the bonding ritual I kept telling myself.

"Nik." I moaned really low so he couldn't hear me, when he found my sweet spot.

"You are the most amazing women that I ever saw." He told me and kissed my neck once more. "You are sweet and kind..." He said now kissing my shoulder with sweet kisses. "You are smart and loving..." He said and kissed my neck and now was kissing my cheek again, then whispered to my ear "you're perfect."

"We need to stop... The ritual is making us..."

"We're not doing anything. Just enjoy each other's company..." He whispered to my ear and I got the last blood bag that I had now in my bed and drink it to stop thinking about him, but didn't work.

"I'm going to get more blood bag." I said for having some seconds to snapped out of my thoughts that in one world were Niklaus. This feeling it's just because of the bonding ritual, I kept telling myself.

"Crap!" I said to myself but he heard me, so he speed over to me facing my back, when I turned around I saw how closed we were but I couldn't afford to be weak. "Do we... Have more... More blood bags?" I asked with intense breathing because I could feel him being so close to me.

"No..." He said.

"I guess I need to call one of your humans." I said walking over to the bed to not get lost in his eyes and think about his lips, or his scent on me, or his 6 perfect pack and how I am in such need of feeling him.

"All the humans in here have been to another place along with my minions and maids." He said making me turn once again to look at him, then he added "But we can do what we did in the prison when we wanted to feel blood. Do you remember?"

"It was different." I said tuning to not see him, every single thing in my body told me that we should feel each other but my mind was right, we broke up, we shouldn't talk like this or act like this and I couldn't feel like this, the bonding ritual is the blame for this feelings.

"But it felt so good..." He whispered to my ear while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Do you remember how I kissed your neck and when you didn't expect, I would bite? How it felt me drinking from you?" He asked me while kissing my neck and a smile appeared in my face because it felt good like if we were in the prison.

"Yeah..." I said and bite my lip to not moan, he continue to torture me in that amazing way and I didn't want to stop.

"Just drink a little." He whispered to my ear and put his wrist in front of me, I grabbed it and without thinking twice, I drink from him and it was incredible.

I turn to see him and pushed him to the wall and drink from his neck, then I stop myself by saying what we were doing was wrong. He just stayed there looking at me, then he kissed me passionately and I kissed him back.

"Sorry." He said making us get back to reality. "It's just the bound ritual is making every feeling that I have towards you even more intense than already was."

"I know..." I said feeling the same thing.

"I better go before I do something I won't regret. When we get back together I want to know that it was because we wanted and not because of the bonding ritual affect." He told me and I understood.

"Can't you stay? We just sleep... Like in sleep." I said because I didn't want to be far from him.

"Sure..." He said and we lay down than we cuddle and I fell asleep in his strong and protective arms.

AN: I know they broke up but this was just for you guys see what happened in the night after the bonding ritual, like the witch said they would felt like this... It won't be like this when they awake up, everything just is more intense in the night of the ritual.

Thanks everyone for reading/commenting/voting. Thank you for all the support. Love you guys.

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