Chapter 43

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Klaus's POV

I thought that we would just lunched in Marcel's home but apparently Caroline had the brilliant idea of all of us staying there and share stories with each other, I was more listener then talker because I knew that we could be right now in my mansion having stuff more interesting that required less clothes, but I tried to snap out of it before I got to... Excited.

"I need to get this. Sorry." Caroline said and walked away to a room.

"It's quite a women you've got there." Marcel said smirking.

"What do you mean?" I asked growling because if he thinks he was going to take Caroline away from me, he was sooo wrong.

"I just mean that you know how to pick them and that she seems a good person, someone we can truly trust."

"Yes, she is." I said smirking to myself then I added not just because I was proud of it but for put Marcel in reality. "And she is all mine."

Caroline's POV

"Stefan, you still didn't told me. What's up?" I asked.

"There's an horrible witch that is in Mystic Falls and..."

"Stef, I am not going back to Mystic Falls."

"Care, your friends need you, Bonnie needs you... I need you." He said making this really hard for me because even not having those feelings for Stefan I didn't want to hurt him, he was always there when I needed a friend.

I turned around, because I have this thing when I talk in the phone I need to be walking back and forward, when I turned I saw a very anger Klaus and hurt in his eyes.

"This is not what it seems..." I told Nik and he just walked away.

"Stefan I need to go. I text you later." I said and hang up, then I went to the living room and saw everyone talking and Nik wasn't there.

"Where is Nik?" I asked.

"He went away furious. What happened?"

"Tell you later, I better go talk to him now." I said and vamp speed out of there, I knew that every time he got angry in the prison, he would go to the office and starting drawing but now I didn't know if he would kill someone, not because he is a bad person but because blood can make us forget the problems, at least for awhile.

I try to find where he was by his scent and found him in the corner of the street drawing a girl, when she was out of blood he let go off his embrace letting her fall to the ground, then turn to see me and was using his hybrid face which I thought it was really sexy but I knew that he was now really mad and angry.

"You still here? I thought you were already running to Stefan's arms. Oh, you still have to make your packs? Don't worry I send everything." Klaus said like if he didn't care about me which hurtled me, I knew it was just an act but still hurt, it was like somebody stabbed multiple times in my heart and put me in the sun without daylight ring and then tortured me with vervain and do everything over and over again.


"Don't call me that." He said while walking away.

"I love you." I said almost whispering with a couple of tears, but I knew he could hear me, when I finished the sentence Nik in a second pushed me to the wall and got really closed to me.

"How can you say that? How can you say it when you don't feel it? Why did you do this to me? Before I met you I was fine, didn't need this dependence or wasn't busy think about a women, but then you appeared and turn my life upside down, you made me feel something as horrible as love, you hurt me in so many ways, you did something that no one in a thousand years manage to do, break my heart. How could you? You made me weaker. You made me believe that love was a good thing. I should never met you."

"How can you say that to me? I love you. I defended you every time my friends tell me that your a monster and that I shouldn't care about you. After what happened between us in the woods, Tyler almost killed me. I could've die of a werewolf bite and you know how horrible that is because I almost died twice of a werewolf bite if you don't recall. I manage to get pass through all those things you did to my friends and see why you did it, I tried to see your point of view, which no one did and most important I trusted you to never hurt me. You made me believe that you would never hurt me but apparently I was right when we were in Mystic Falls, if I took a chance on us then I just would end up hurt." I said and a few more tears run in my face.

"Are you saying that if you could go back in time you would never get together with me?" He asked gutted and with fear in his eyes.

"No. What I am saying is that with a simple hearing conversation that you didn't heard from the beginning, you got all anger and put some conclusions that were wrong and then you hurt me because you thought that I wasn't being honest with you. You told me that you wished you never met me. Is that true? You wish that? Because if is that what's happening then I get the hell out of here and I'll go to another place, maybe California. Just tell me, what are you thinking and what do you want. If you want me out of your life, fine I leave. It's better now than later. You talking about me breaking your heart, you don't even know what I am feeling right now. It hurts my all body, I feel like I am in pieces inside and that I can't put them back on because you are the glue. But I'll find a way, because clearly you don't want me to be apart of your life... I just wished that you would tell me sooner, at least before you organized that all Ball where you tell everyone that I was your wife. If you didn't want me then you should just say so... I'm done being your plaything. You talk a lot about how horrible is Damon because what he done to me but you are worse because you made me trust you, fall for you and believe that we could work and I could possibly be loved. Before I met you I thought that there was no one that could loved me, I liked Tyler and he liked me but I knew I wasn't the thing which was more precious in his life and when you showed up you made me believe I was precious to you, the most important person in your life. I guess it was just a game. Why would Klaus Mikaelson fell for some girl like me? Pathetic. I hate you Klaus. I hate you because I can't hate you for how much I tried. I have two options: hating you or myself. But I deserve better than that. After today I hope I won't see you again because now, when I looked at you it hurts. Goodbye Klaus." I said and vamp speed to the Quarter and then went to Klaus's room and start packing my stuff

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