Chapter 71

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An: Apparently Ansel approves Caroline to be with his son Niklaus.

Caroline's POV

I was in the living room along with Rebekah and Elijah when some girl appeared.

"What are you doing here?" Rebekah asked.

"Who is her?" I asked really low so only Elijah would hear me.

"Davina Claire." Elijah said and with that anger start to came all over me because she make Klaus be in hell for months and had the guts to go to our home.

"I'm here to let you know that you guys won't end up laughing by taking my magic temporarily. I will get my revenge."

"Seriously? You are actually saying that you are going to get revenge for not having your magic for a temporarily time? We made you a favor. You could be dead or taken your powers forever, but we decided the right thing was taking your powers temporarily and just the time that Klaus was stuck in the prison." I said then added "How can you think that you have any right to get revenge?"

"You guys are taking part of me for months. It's not correct to do that to a person." Davina said.

"Oh please. You were the one who put Klaus in a living hell with the worst person ever. Your lucky to have a person like Marcel in your life, because if it wasn't him, I would make you pay with even worst punishment." I told her.

"Just recall my words. I will became your greatest enemy." She said and left.

"What did she meant by that?" I asked.

"Don't know but what I do know is that she might be young but she's smart and really powerful." Elijah told me and the only thing that pass through my mind was Klaus.

"I need to go." I said and vamp speed to Klaus's room.

I got into a room and saw Klaus drawing something in his sketchbook, I called him and he didn't heard me, so I took the sketchbook from his hands.

"Sorry about that but I need right now your entire attention." I said and he smirked

"You always have my attention love." He said and I ignored him.

"Davina appeared and told us that she would get her revenge and would became our greatest enemy." I said and then added seating down in front of Klaus. "What do you think she is going to do? Elijah told me that she was smart and powerful. What if she will do something so horrible that we don't even dream of? I know that with the power of diverse witches, a witch can be in someone's mind, like Silas did... And what if...?"

"Don't worry, love. Everything will be fine. We are much more smarter then her and we will always find a way to get back on our feet even when it seems impossible." He said and then added "I won't let anything happen to you."

"I'm not worry about me. I'm worry about you." I said in almost a whisper and he smirked a little.

"Don't be. I'm a survivor." He told me trying to make me feel better, but without success.

"That was with Katherine used to say and now she's dead." I said looking down and playing with my daylight ring, then he stroke my cheek and let his hand in my cheek making me look at him.

"I will be okay. I lived for a thousand years, I'm not so easily to be killed."

"I just don't want to lose you."

"You're not going to lose me. I'll be here for you forever. I promise." He said and I hugged him.

"I'm gonna make you keep that promise." I said.

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