Chapter 37

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Caroline's POV

It's been really hard work and I needed to gave everyone the right directions in every 5 minutes because nobody can do one single thing right without my help. It was finally the night of the Ball, Nik was already in the Ball with his siblings and greet his guests, which were our allies.

I was now preparing myself to the Ball, I smile to the mirror looking how hot I was and took a deep breath, then I start to go to downstairs. When I start to walk in Klaus saw me and smirked, I smiled to him and he walked over to me and took me to where he was, he was talking with Rebekah and some guy that was Marcel.

"So you are the so mysterious women that everyone speaks of..." The guy said and then added "Where is my manners? I am Marcel."

"I know, you're Niklaus's protégé. I am Caroline." I said with a small smile and he took my hand and place it a small kiss.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Marcel said with a smirk and I saw from the Conner of my eyes that Klaus wasn't like Marcel's ways of affection.

"It's nice to meet you too. But if you excuse me I am going to take a drink. Nik?" I asked with a smile but Klaus knew that my eyes were saying that it wasn't a question.

"I go with you. If you excuse us." Klaus said and then I took a cup of Champagne that the waiter was serving to everyone and Klaus did the same.

"I can see that my protégé had already shown some interest in you." Klaus said looking at everywhere but me.

"I don't care. I love you, Niklaus Mikaelson." I said and he smirked.

"Are you ready to do this?" He asked.

"Just one second." I said and drink all the champagne that was still in my cup. "Okay. How am I?"

"Perfect." He said with a smirk, then leaned and whispered to my ear. "Specially with my necklace."

I blushed making him smirking even more, than we went to a place where everyone could see us, and klaus made a sign to stop the music and everyone looked at him and me, because I was next to him.

"Goodnight everyone!" He start with a smirk. "We're here gather tonight because something important is about to change, not just in New Orleans but in our lives. We have been our fights, we have won and lost some battles, but there was always something missing... A Queen. Not just the Quarter, but New Orleans needs a Queen who knows what is right and wise, who knows what to do in a complicated situation and who give us hope to keep going and gave us strength to win our battles. Our Queen is the beautiful women next to me, Caroline Mikaelson." He said pulling me to be in front of him and all I could feel everyone looking at me then Klaus concluded his speech. "Cheers to our new Queen and my wife Caroline Mikaelson."

Everyone raised their glasses and drink then we got back to where we were and I couldn't help but smile, he just said I was his wife.

Klaus took me to a women that was observing everyone, like if she was trying to see a pattern.

"Sorry to interrupt you but I wanted to presented you personally my Caroline."

"A question. Are you guys really together or this is just a strategy?"

"We are really together. And I am sure you will treat Caroline as a queen and not as a equal." He said trying to be all scary.

"Klaus don't be like that." I told him then looked at her and said "How you should guess, I am Caroline. It's really nice to met you..."

"Nandi LaMarche." The women said always serious and then Marcel called Klaus so he needed to left but I decided to stay, it would be rude to let her be alone, just like that.

"Nandi, it is really nice to met you. And if you have any problems with Niklaus just talk to me so I could help. Like Klaus said, I am here to help. I just want to make everyone live in harmony without this groups and enemy species, I want werewolves, witches, hybrids and vampires get along." I told her.

"I can see that. I can see you have hope inside of you and a light in your eyes that is indescribable. You should get out of here as quickly as you can." She told me in a whisper.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"If you are going to stay with the hybrid, he will ruin you, he will take your light even if is not that what he wants. The darkness takes over the light even when it's drawn to it. You are going to lose your light if you will be with Niklaus." She said.

"Not wanting to sound disrespectful but I don't believe that. I believe that I complete Niklaus and he completes me, he much needs my light as I need his darkness. He is not that monster people paint. But don't worry, I won't tell him anything about this conversation." I said because I knew people who were used to lid with people like Klaus didn't trust that easily and had afraid of he founds out they had talk bad about him in his back.

"What's the catch?" She asked me suspicious.

"No catch. Like I said before, I want us to live in harmony, be like a family, we need to protect each other and above all we need to trust each other. Think this as a test, if I say something to Niklaus then you would know that you can't trust me but if I will keep this between us you know that you can trust me and that you can come to me and tell me about your problems so we could solve them out." I told her.

"At first I thought that you were too young and Niklaus was being threaten so he would do this but now I can see that you might be young but you are a really mature women, in a good way and you fight for what you believe. I'm glad that you are here. I'm starting to believe he was right when he said that you were what was missing."

"Thank you. Nik is making me a sign, I better go. Once again it was really nice to met you." I said and then walk over to Klaus and he presented me more people, werewolves, minions that I still didn't knew, vampires and more witches.

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