Chapter 4

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Klaus's POV

"I need to tell you something." I said after putting the clothes and she nodded "I am not the only one here. This isn't just my prison, this is the prison of Mikael. Davina, the witch that send me here, put me here because she knows how I feel about Mikael and how I fear him... He can't know you are here. You might be the key to get out of here."

"How the holly hell would I be the key to get out of here?" She asked and I explained about the person with a pure heart is the one who can find the ascendent and get us out of here.

"Sorry for taking you your hope of getting out of here but I am not the person with a pure heart." She said.

"Why do you say that. I know you. You have more humanity than..." And she cut me off by grabbing my wrist and making me see her  doing this horrible things and killing this innocent people for fun. It wasn't the Caroline I knew.

"Yeah... I don't have a pure heart. What you just saw was me this year without humanity." She said.

"You had no humanity. It wasn't you."

"Except it was. Turning off just takes your feelings and shows your dark side. That was me." She said fighting the tears and I hugged her trying to comfort, she hugged me back without hesitation.

"Everyone has a dark side. But with you is different. There is no darkness that can take your light."

"Are you saying that when I show you me with no humanity you saw a light."

"Yes, because behind the things that you have done, you still had that emotion in your eyes. It was hurt and pain, but somehow without humanity I still could see in your eyes your feelings. You never stop feeling." I told her and she broke the hug, looking now deeply into my eyes.

"You really believe that?" She asked with a broke voice and with tears running in her face, I just nodded and with my thumbs, I wiped the tears from her face and stay with my hands cupped in her cheeks, she just gave me a weak smile.

"So... How are you handling being with Mikael in the same prison?" She asked breaking the silence and walking to the living room, I just follow her.

"Hard. We barely talk and when we do we just discuss."

"So why don't you guys go in separate ways?"

"We can only be in Mystic Falls and we live in the same house..." I told her.

"So... Why don't You stay here?" She asked me.

"Do you want me to stay here with you?" I asked smirking.

"I didn't say that. What I was trying to say is that there is no reason so you would be in the same house always fighting." She said and I gave her a smile because I could see that she was concerned about me.

"If I come here he would think it's strange I want to be here after all the moths we stayed together in the same house."

"You could say it was because you are tired of living with him."

"You really want me to live with you." I said smirking.

"Shut up!" She said punching me in the arm and trying not to laugh then added "I just don't like to be alone in a place where the only people who exists in this prison is Mikael and you."

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked hurt.

"No. But I'm afraid of Mikael." She said and I saw the same fear that I saw in myself when someone mentions Mikael.

"Okay. I will be here." I said and she smiled and gave me a tightly hug but was a quick hug "But he can't see you."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She said smiling and after a few minutes I went to talk with Mikael saying that I was done of being in the same house that he lives and that I was tired of him making me remember how a terrible father he was to me.

After a long fight I went to the Salvatore's boarding house and heard Caroline singing from the kitchen, I went to the kitchen and saw Caroline making dinner.

"What are you doing love? You know that vampires don't need to eat human food, right?" I asked making her look at me.

"I like eating human food, and it helps me not having this killing people urges." She said making me chuckle. "Just try it. If you don't like it, I let you go drink some bourbon or something..."

"You also let me drink your blood?" I asked with a flirting look.

"I will only give you my blood in exceptional cases." She said looking at the food and putting the food in the plates then she looked at me. "You are going to love my lasagna"

I just nodded with a smirk and help her putting the things on a table, I took some wine to us and said "I know it isn't champagne but I think it works."

"Thank you." She said and after I put the wine in our cups she said "cheers"

"Cheers" I said smiling. Just her to make me smile when I am in a prison with Mikael.

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