Chapter 38

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Caroline's POV

After the Ball, Elijah went to his bedroom and Rebekah went with Marcel to his house, I went to the bedroom because I saw Camille wanted to talk with him, but before I left them alone I kissed him in front of her, so she could see that he is off the market.

I was in the bedroom already with my pjs and I was counting the minutes that Klaus was talking with Camille, at first I thought Of hearing Klaus and Cami's conversation but it would be wrong and I need to trust him and stop being that jealous.

Klaus opened the door and gave me a smirk but I stay serious because the conversation with Cami took too long for my taste.

"Are you done with talking with Cami?" I asked jealous avoiding eye contact and he laughed. He laughed of me, so I gave him a look so he would stop.

"Sorry love..." He said when he finally stopped laughing and then seat next to me but I avoid eye contact with him again. "She just wanted to know if I was okay since I come back and if everything was okay in the supernatural."

"That probably was just some stupid excuse to be alone with you and talk to you." I said still avoiding eye contact and crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Caroline you don't have to be jealous of Camille. We are just friends."

"Yeah, but she wants a lot more than be your friend." I said and he cupped his hand on my cheek making me look at him.

"You are the one I want to be with. You are the one that I love. Even if every women in the world would be flirting with me and wanting to be with me, I would chose you. I am always going to chose you." He said making me blush a little bit.

"How can I be mad at you when you're so sweet?" I asked and kissed him, he kiss me back and then I pull him to be lay down on the bed, I put myself on top of him and whispered to his ear "You look really sexy when you are wearing a suit."

He growled low when I whispered in his ear almost touching it with my lips, then I kiss his beautiful and soft lips, it was a hot kiss and was getting deeper and deeper by the moment, I start to let a trail of wet kisses from his lips to his neck and stay there for awhile, then I took the jacket from the suit and the shirt, I kissed him again on the lips and then made love to him.


I woke up and saw Klaus was still sleeping, I smiled and kissed him making him wake up, when I broke the kiss he looked at me like a 5 year old boy who just woke up and gave me a smile.

"Good morning my king" I said smiling.

"In deed it is my queen" he said smirking and I blushed a little, then when I was about to kiss him someone knocked on the door.

"Don't worry nobody can hear us, the room is spelled." Nik said remembering me that it had a privacy spell and making me giggle.

"I really need to talk to you Care" Rebekah said from the other side.

"It seems important." I try to reason with Klaus.

"Yeah... So it's being with my queen" he said and kissed me without giving me time to argue with him.

"It's code pink red" she said.

"Omg! This is probably huge."

"What's code pink red?" Klaus asked.

"It's code pink but even more important." I told him getting up and putting some comfy clothes on, then I noticed Klaus was confused with my answer. "It's some girl code. Bye. Love you."

"Love you too." He said disappointed because I made him be used to have some morning exercise and for telling the truth I was too but hoes before bros.

I opened the door and went with Rebekah to her room so she could tell me what was her problem, apparently Marcel wanted to get back together with Rebekah, like officially but she was afraid of getting hurt again. I try to tell her to not be so negative and to listen to her heart but she continue about how Marcel always chooses Klaus over her and she can't handle get hurt just because she has feelings for him.

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