Chapter 62

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AN: daydreamer_aish said how she felt like Klaus should make an effort to get Caroline back and for the people who think the same thing, I just want to say that I get it but he is not really seeing that it was a break up instead of break (like the Ross-Rachel thing of the awesome tv show FRIENDS) and I made this chapter more to make Klaus see that he and Caroline break up and are not just on a break.

I want to give a special thank you to daydreamer_aish ; Melissamelgar99 ; ClaudiaSecchi7 ; notbuttahbenzo  jemkerby ; miss_croatia for not just reading but commenting, giving me support and telling me what they thought about the chapters.

Thanks to everyone that read the book and/or vote/comment.

Klaus's POV

Caroline went to somewhere else to talk in private with the witch and my siblings gave me a look.

"What?" I asked them.

"You have any notion what are you going to do to her?" Rebekah asked me.

"She is not against doing it."

"Niklaus, do you realized that she is going to have to handle with you with everything and forever? Do you know how horrible this is going to be for her? She will have that feeling of never be able to leave you and she can feel bad about it." Elijah said.

"Why? Because I'm a monster and I'm so hard to live with?" I asked them, but it was more to Elijah because in this weak and half, Caroline seemed to get closer to my brother and I didn't like it one bit.

Yes, me and Caroline had a break or in her mind, break up but... I still hadn't accepted that, I had her, I had her love and after our break up, she told me that she still loved me but then she stopped talking to me, she was always polite but passed the days avoiding me and I found myself looking for her, just to know what she was doing and when she wasn't with Rebekah listening to my dear sister about her love life, she was with Elijah talking about all kinds of stuff and once I found them laughing and when they noticed me they stopped and got a serious face. I hated how he made her laugh because that should be my job. Everything was so much easier in the bloody prison...

"No. Because she will want to have a relationship and can't not just because of this lie, but also because she will never be able to leave you. If she wants to have something with someone she won't because she can't have a serious relationship with a person when she is connected with the other. You know that. In all history we heard it. This is more powerful then being sired." Elijah said.

"So that's your problem? You want to be with Caroline."

"Niklaus I'm not saying that."

"You aren't denying it either." I said and I felt anger and jealous all over me.

"I..." Elijah said, but I had enough, I couldn't control now my anger and I grabbed him by the throat.

"Caroline is not for you." I growled and added "If I found you being too much friendly to her for my taste I will dagger you as long as I forget it. And you know that I have a good memory, specially to those who betray me."

"Stop it Nik." Rebekah yelled making me look at her and with that Elijah took my hand out of his throat. "If you trying to win her back, it won't be like that. You know how much protective Caroline can be when it comes to her friends."

"We aren't just on a break, are we?" I asked my sister realizing that it isn't just a break. I always felt like it would be just one of our fights that after awhile we get back together.

"Sorry, Nik. You hurt Caroline really badly and she avoid you during this time because she needed time alone to heal. You need to see that she loved you and you throw it away because you felt betrayed. I know it sucks people not telling you everything but she was the only person who truly understand you and loved you unconditionally, she come here without nothing. She didn't had any friends, just you. She left everything behind because of you but you were to selfish to see her point of view."

"You are right... I've been terrible to her and..."

"Hey guys!" Caroline said interrupting us. "Interrupt something?"

"Nothing important." Rebekah said.

"Okay... Well, I talked to her she says that at 6pm she can do it." She said and I took a deep breath.

"Caroline, are you sure about this? It has a lot of cons and this is a spell that won't get broken. In fact, I didn't even know what I was thinking... I don't want you to stop living your life. If you do this, you will never be able to have a relationship with commitments." I told her.

"Klaus, I want to do this and if you don't it's okay about me." She said and added "And that crap about not be able to have a serious relationship is a horrible argument because of two people love each other and are meant to be together they will always find a way to that happens. Just look at Damon and Elena, against all odds, they found a way to be together and lead with their differences..." She said.

"Caroline you don't know how powerful is this spell" I said and she shocked her head.

"Nothing is more powerful then true love." She told me with a smile, I looked at my siblings and I could see for their looks that they couldn't argue with her arguments.

"So... I guess we are going to do the ritual." I said and she gave me a smile.

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