Chapter 76

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Klaus's POV

I can't believe I finally got Caroline back to me... I missed her so much. I would probably saved us some time if I had apologized sooner, but that's not what matters. What matters is that we are together.

Caroline's POV

I went to Rebekah's room to tell she everything and when I knocked, Rebekah opened the door.

"I have some news!" I said excited.

"For your tone it seems good..." Rebekah said smiling.

"Good? They are amazing news, the best news ever." I said excited

"Don't leave me hanging. What is it?" Rebekah asked me also excited.

"Your brother an I got back together." I said with the biggest smile ever.

"Like really got back together?" Rebekah asked and I nodded then she hugged me. "Finally... You guys are both so stubborned that I didn't knew how long this would be."

"Yeah... But that doesn't matter now. What matters is that we are together!" I said and she smiled, then Bekah hugged me.

"I'm so happy for you guys! I guess I'm back to be the only girl that is single."

"Hey! We are friends and we are like sisters which means that until you stop being single, I will be single adjacent." I said making her laugh.

Klaus's POV

"Good morning brother!" I said when I come to the living room and saw him then Marcel appeared "Marcel How you doing?"

"You're in a good mood..." Marcel said.

"And smiling..." Elijah said.

"I saw that face before..." Marcel told me and then smirked "You and Caroline"

"I don't kiss and tell but... Yes." I said with a proud face and a big smirk.

"This that mean that we don't have to hear you talking about Caroline all the time?" Marcel asked me and I gave him a look.

"Actually this means that we are going to hear more and more about the qualities of Miss Mystic Falls." Elijah said and I gave him a death glare, but for how much I wanted be mad, I couldn't I just kept thinking about Caroline and I being together.

"Hey guys!" My beautiful angel said coming downstairs with Rebekah, I speed to Caroline and kissed her, she kissed me right back with passion and love.

"Do you guys want something? You know, breakfast, magazine, a condom?" Rebekah asked making Caroline break the kiss and blush a little.

"Sorry everyone." She said a little embarrassed.

"I'm not." I said and Caroline blushed again making me asked them "isn't she beautiful?"

"Nik... Stop. You're making me blush."

"You know that I love when you blush with my compliments." I said and she smiled and gave me a quick kiss.

"Let's go have breakfast? I'm starving..." She said and I smirked.

"Actually don't count on me." Marcel said and we all looked at him. "I am just here to talk with Rebekah. If she's okay with it..."

"Yeah... Sure." Rebekah said and gave us a look to go away.

"I am going to tell Jessica to put everything in the table." Elijah said and walked away.

"Yeah, and I'm going to tell the maids that they can clean the library because it's a mess."

"And I'm going to stay here making sure that everything..." I said because I wanted to make sure Marcel wouldn't break my sister's heart again.

"Nik, I will need your help." Caroline said cutting me off and giving me the 'come with me right now' look.

"You can go without me, love. I think I'm more needed here." I said giving Marcel the 'be careful what you are going to do' look to Marcel.

"Klaus." Caroline called me making me look at her because she just called me Klaus when we were not together or when she was mad.

"Fine..." I said surrender to Caroline because I didn't want to look for another fight again. "I'm going."

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