Chapter 27

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Caroline's POV

After we had amazing and blow-minded sex we went back to the boarding house and Elijah went over to us with his eyes sparkling.

"I know where the ascendent is." He said

"How?" Me and Klaus asked at the same time.

"I was thinking about where could it be, a few moments ago I remember that there was a place in the church that we didn't see. The place where the priest sleeps..."

"How did we not remember of that?" I asked.

"Let's go." Camille said, I nodded and we all went to that place, when Elijah opened the door I smiled.

"It's there." I said pointing to a painting with Jesus holding a heart and being with a light around him.

"How do you know?" Camille asked.

"It's the pure heart..." I said and Klaus was with a smirk and with his proud face.

I took the painting of the wall and saw a hole in the wall and that in it was the ascendent, I grabbed it and show it to them.

"It's this?" I asked.

"Yes" Elijah said, we smiled to each other, then I bite myself in the hand and let my blood going to the ascendent.

"I want Niklaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson and Camille O'Donnell with me" we all hold hands and then everything went black.

When I woke up I was in the woods in the same place that I was when Bonnie make that spell, I went to the Boarding house and heard Stefan and Damon talking.

"I can't believe Caroline is stuck in a prison and..." I hear Stefan saying.

"Did I heard my name?" I asked.

"Caroline..." He said and hugged me tightly.

"Thank God, blondie is here." Damon said with a smirk.

"It's nice to see you too." I told him, after I catch-up with them I went to talk with Bonnie and told her that I didn't blame her or was mad at her.

I was now in front of the grill and decided to call Klaus.


"Hello Klaus! I think you owe me going to a bar and have some fun." I said reminding of his promise.

"I guess..." He said and then asked "where are you?"

"I woke up in the last place I passed out when I was here. You?"

"I woke up in a basement in New Orleans..." Klaus told me.

"What do you think about me going to live with the King of New Orleans."

"I think it's a great idea. Now can you make me a favor and go to the front of your house..."

"Sure" I said and went to my house, in front of the house was a limousine.

"We have a jet waiting for us." He said getting out of the limo.

"You didn't need to do all of this." I told him.

"Of course I did. You are Caroline Forbes, the queen of New Orleans. You only deserve the best."

"Since when I became the queen of New Orleans?"

"Since the day you agree to have a serious relationship with the King of New Orleans." He said smirking, I chuckled and kiss.

"You know that I don't care about this stuff, right? The only thing I care about is being with you. I love you."

"And I love you..." He said then we went to New Orleans.

An: should I keep writing or stop? Thanks for reading.

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