Live With Me

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Don'cha think there's a place for you
In between the sheets?
Come on now, honey
We can build a home for three
Come on now, honey
Don't you wanna live with me?


I hadn't walked that far yet when I heard his voice. I stopped and sighed, but turned around. Yes I was curious what he wanted to say, but somehow I still had the feeling that it would be better if he just stayed away or if I at least hadn't said anything towards him in the first place. Now it was too late for that. Brian was standing right behind me and seemed to have found his voice this time around.


He scratched his head as if he was unsure of what to say. "I... We need to talk..."

Well that much I had already guessed from his appearance. "You can accompany me home. I doubt you want to discuss this on the street." At least I didn't want to discuss this here, nor did I really want to take him home with me, but that seemed like the lesser evil. Brian nodded and I resumed walking without another word. He just followed me, but his curiosity got the best of him.

"How can you stand all the death?" he asked.

"Habit, I guess." I shrugged. Why should it bother me when all I ever saw was the death of people? Their dead body before me was the results of my visions and they always had been a part of me, if I wanted to or not. Furthermore a corpse didn't give me a vision and I surely didn't need to worry about their death anymore. I sighed. Brian didn't reply. I doubted the answer was enough for him, because he had fallen back into his thought mode, but he didn't ask any further and remained silent until we reached my home. Gladly I didn't live to far from my work, because I really didn't want to have Brian following me around through the whole city. He had already pulled to much attention to him as far as I was concerned. I really hope Mr Evan forgot about this...

"That's your home?" He asked as we entered and looked around like he had expected everything, but not this. Well I guess he suspected something more obscure or spiritual, like you see with all those clairvoyants out there, you can see in a circus or some fair.

I rolled my eyes. "What did you expect? Beside these visions, I'm actually rather average. I work, eat, breath and pay my bills. Nothing special..."

"Sorry..." he mumbled, nearly sounding a tad guilty. "I just suspected it was more... Well... I have no idea what I expected really... Just not this..."

I shook my head. "I'm not some television mentalist. Do you want something to drink? A tea? " I offered.

"Don't you have something stronger?" He asked as he sat down on my couch, still locking around like he could finally find something more obscure.

"I'll make you a tea." He sighed and I just went into the kitchen to make some. I made one for me too, but with some extra ingredients. Dealing with him was not going to be easy and this could give me some peace or at least make it a bit more tolerable... When I came back, he was still sitting where I've left him, but he had finally stopped his observation. It seemed he had come to terms that my flat was not a circus attraction. I put the tea in front of him and took a sip from my own cup as I sat down. He didn't touch his, well it wasn't like he had wanted it in the first place. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Eh... well I still want you to help me." He stuttered.

I rolled my eyes. Of course that's why he was here, not to say sorry for throwing me out in the middle of the night, when I could hardly walk on my own, but well I had doubted anyway that he was going to and well I probably shouldn't be to hang up on it. I had told him that somebody was going to kill him... I probably could have been a bit more insightful than I had been... I sighed. "And how do you suppose I do that?"

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