A quick warning.

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You might wonder what I am thinking... I mean a warning before an epilogue? Wtf, right? However there's a good reason and most of you can probably guess what this is might be about.... I mean the end wasn't really an end after all and I mentioned in a past chapter that there will be several epilogues. 

I hope this won't be too confusing...

Well before everyone goes on to read them, I'd like to warn you. Charlie's and Brian's story should end here on the second of July. It's an open end, yes and it might seem like I'm just being lazy, however for once that's not the case. After all we've already encountered several possibilities, how this story could end and I could just recycle one:  

1. We've got the ending, in which Brian dies and Charlie lives on with their child(and maybe has a closer relationship with Keith 🤷🏻‍♀️). 

2. We've got the one in which Charlie dies and Brian out of guilt commits suicide.

3. We've got an ending in which Charlies dies and Brian lives on. 

(This one like the suicide one never got fully explained in the story and they prbly sound similar at the first glance. Well here's the full explanation behind both: In this one (3) she got pushed, hit her head and drowned (remember the acid visions in the chapter Sing this all together?). So she was murdered. But by who? Well by the person that might or might not have killed Brian. Brian will die a while later, due to a liver cirrhosis. (->hence the hospital vision) Yep those two go together. And in the suicide one, Charlie died saving Brian, hence why he felt so incredibly guilty and well killed himself. )

4. Another ending that was a bit hidden in the story is the one, where everything was just a dream. In the chapter "The singer not the song" Brian tells Charlie about a dream he had about a future where he lived, but had never met Charlie. She's with Edgar and pregnant. Brian lost the Stones and keeps on living his life, but is unhappy. It's the classic idea. Brian had an accident and while he's in a coma his mind dreams this story in a way to save him. When he wakes up, he discovers that everything had just been his imagination, and that though the girl he loves exists, she isn't the person he fell in love with. An end where they both live, but aren't together.

And lastly we've got the ending, in which they both live and lead a happy live together. Yay.

There where a few more hints at other possibilities as well, but they were just me trying to be "funny". Keith joked that Brian would end up killing him, because of Charlie. Considering it's a life for a life deal, so why not sacrifice Keith and get rid of a rival as well?  Two others hints were comments by Mary: 1. She threatened to drown Brian, if he broke Charlie's heart.  2. or that Charlie should leave Brian and date Edgar, the serious boring Brian lookalike.

There probably were even a few more. The reason why there are so many possible endings in the actual story line is very simple, when I first started writing this story I came up with 8 possible endings, which I all wrote out. Charlie's gift was convenient, in the way that I could include them all in the story somehow.

I'm a huge fan of visual novels, which always have more than one end as well, so the idea of several endings was born. But what about the other 3? I mentioned 8, but only talked about 5.

Well the 6th one is the one you've just read, the open one. The one I decided on as the "end". Why?

Because now you can go ahead and choose the one ending you like the most. It's up to you how their story ends. You want them to be together? Sure! You want her with Keith? Sure! You want one of them to die- tho I doubt anyone wants this, but sure you can imagine this! You want to sacrifice Mick, so that Brian could live? Absolutely! It's all up to you guys now!~




For those that don't want that, I wrote 3 Epilogues. The first and the third one belong together and the second one is rather an alternative version I added as a Bonus. I'll explain that in more details in a sec without giving too much away, hopefully. 

Well... Sometimes it's better not to know how a story truly ends and to live in the bliss of not knowing and imagine what you like- basically, it's like taking the blue pill and stay in the Matrix, never knowing the truth.

  So again I want to warn everyone, before you go on reading the rest. You can still decide to leave.

For those that don't listen: So what are the Epilogues about?

Epilogue 1 is short and vague. It does answer the question, who lives or who dies tho, but nothing much more. It's the end to this story, if you don't want to know the whole truth, but still want to know how I ended it. What truly happend will only be revealed in Epilogue 3, which you don't want to read. 

(Bonus) Epilogue 2 is an alternative version that answers a lot more questions with a surprise at the end. It's kinda a story/ one shot in itself. I guess this ending is for those that want something more, but necessarily not the truth, but rather a different outcome.

Epilogue 3 is the true ending, the continuation of Epilogue 1, that answers- or at least I hope it does- every question. Reading this would mean you'd take the red pill and will find out the truth. Meaning you can never take it back, but have to accept it and live with the consequences.

I wouldn't read it, if I was you, seriously. 

Of course it's your choice, I just wanted to warn you...

And remind you not to kill the author.  Thank you! 🏃‍♀️

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