Let's Spend the Night Together

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I'm off my head and my mouth's getting dry.
I'm high, But I try, try, try
Let's spend the night together
Now I need you more than ever

I froze up.

I was shocked, even though I knew nowadays that everything could happen with Brian, but the kiss seemed a bit too random, even for him. His arms went around my waist and pushed me closer to him and I definitely needed to do something, but my mind seemed not to come up with what my body was supposed to do in such a circumstance. Luckily he pulled away, before I needed to react.

"You're not a great kisser."

His words seemed to do the trick, because finally I tried to push him away, but he only let go of me a little bit. "Maybe next time you kiss somebody who actually wants to be kissed by you..." I remarked.

He laughed. "Would you have liked it more if it was Keith, Bill or that lad from the Who?"

"I don't want anybody. How do you suppose I do that? Live every day with someone who I say die every time he touches me, have children, who also die before my eyes and for what? Thank you I rather stay alone. Even if it's only for one night, I couldn't feel at ease... Death isn't really a huge turn on, you know."

He frowned. "Doesn't that death excuse get boring?"

I rolled my eyes. "It maybe would, if it wasn't all I ever see and what do you suppose, I just tell everyone about it? It's the best I don't have relationships whatsoever. I don't know what you want to call what we have, but that's working so well isn't it?"

"Well I think you call it dating and it is really simple if you played along." He said and tried to pull me close again, but I fought against him and this time he let go off me.

I scoffed. "We are not dating and I'm not some puppet, you can pull along..."

He sighed. "After today probably everyone thinks we do and I just want you to be a bit more open about it. I mean, your friend can force you to a party, but when I do it is wrong? Please tell me the difference."

He had a point, but Mary was my friend and Brian well was... Did it really matter, what he was? "I was accompanying her, nothing more. She's my friend and I don't like her leaving on her own. That's different."

"She was George Harrison date and you were just her luggage. She probably only took you with her to make herself look better." He scoffed.

"She's my friend. She wouldn't do that, she thought she was doing me a favour."

He snorted. "Who drops you in a heartbeat when somebody more worthwhile is there? You're just with her because it is convenient for her. "I shook my head. "I was looking for you and she wasn't even worried that you had disappeared? Do you know why? She didn't care."

"Shut up! That's none of your business anyway and I know that nobody cares for me! Just stop..." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." He started, but I didn't want to hear is excuses. He was about to touch me again, but I hit his hand away. Water. Suffocating. Death

"You didn't mean to? Really? You're always driving up my walls and make me either upset or uncomfortable! I- Brian, if we really want to make this work, we need to respect each other and not after each other throats all the time." I took a deep breath. "I don't like drawing too much attention to my person and I'm not really good with people. I don't like being touched and rather stay on my own than admit I am lonely. I don't do parties, because there are too many people, even going to a concert is a torture. Mary often forces me to these things, that's true, but I need that from time to time and I even enjoyed today. Bill and John were really nice, no matter, what you think their intentions were. I might have overreacted when you wanted me to go with you to the party, but it's different if you tell me I'll go with you somewhere than with Mary. I didn't even know it was the same party until I saw you, Bill made me think about it, but well it wasn't like I wanted to stay there anyway. Mary usually doesn't care for such things as well, so I just assumed it was some normal party and not the place to be. If I had known I probably would have stayed at home."

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