See My Way

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Some way, some day, I'll find a way
To make you see my way
Even if you don't think like I do
You know that it's true
It's your mind that I seek


Someone grabbed me and pulled me away from Keith. Old. Pool. Sick. Suffocating. Death. This could only mean one thing and I rolled my eyes. Brian was surely not here to engage in any conversation or spend time with me nor the others.

"Don't touch her." He mumbled enraged and I could swear his hold on me grew even stronger. I tried to shake him off, but it was in vain. Sighing I gave in and let it slide. I didn't want to argue with him here where the others were and I probably shouldn't in the first place. We were supposed to be dating and it would surely seem odd if I was trying to get away from him.

Keith looked confused by Brian's sudden appearance and his act, as did Pete and Roger. John seemed indifferent, but he usually did and well he knew that Brian and me had a relationship, contrary to the others. I could have sworn Mary had winked at me, but I wasn't sure, at least she was still smiling suspiciously. Nobody was saying anything and the mood was an odd one. The playfulness from earlier seemed gone and Brian's obvious tension didn't make it better. I bid my lip and wondered for the millionth time why I had gone along with one of Mary's plans again.

Suddenly Keith burst out laughing and breaking the mood a tad. "Don't tell me you're the bird he was yelling over?" I didn't reply, but John nodded. "Well sorry, mate. I didn't know that, neither of them said anything, only that she had a thing for guitarists and I thought why not give it a go and show her what drummers are made off." Keith joked, but I felt like his humour fell on deaf ears. Brian was still tense and didn't gave me the impression he had any understanding for him. Keith was just about to say something more, when Brian walked away and pulled me along with him. At first I just dumbly followed him, because I was a bit too surprised by his act and his grip hadn't lessened on me one bit. When we reached the stage area I had enough and tried again to get him away. I stopped and forced him to as well.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked him as I finally got out of his grip. He looked enraged, but I really couldn't see why he had any reason to be. I had done nothing wrong as far as he was concerned. If one of us should have been mad, it should have been me, not him! He had left me the minute we arrived here and what did he expect that Mary and me sat down somewhere and spoke to no one? He just always found a new way to barge into my life and it annoyed me. I wasn't mad at him for getting me away from Keith Moon, I nearly was thankful for that, but couldn't he just handle these situation a tad more sensitive?

"I- You shouldn't be with them!" He exclaimed and gave me the impression of a spoiled child, who had just been told by his parents that he should share his favourite toy with somebody else and I wondered if that was how he saw me as something he owned. I thought we had a certain acceptance perhaps, but it was hard to tell with Brian. Sometimes he was off in his own world and I had no idea what went on with him. All I could do was stay by his side and try to support him when he needed a helping hand.

"Why? You abandoned me the second we got here and Mary wanted to meet them. I don't see what's wrong with that." I tried to reason with him, but I doubted he would listen.

"You belong to me!" He yelled. Heads turned in to our direction and were watching us curiously, but it was no surprise, if he kept this behaviour up. It probably would only get worse...

I snorted, crossing my arms. "You surely don't own me and we aren't even dating in the first place. So I really don't see why it should matter to you, if I spend my time with somebody else!" I retorted quietly, not wanting anyone to overhear us.

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