The Kids Are Alright

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I don't mind other guys dancing with my girl
That's fine, I know them all pretty well
But I know sometimes I must get out in the light
Better leave her behind with the kids, they're alright
The kids are alright

The Rolling Stone Rock n' Roll Circus.

It sounded a bit odd and I couldn't really see the point of it. I mean a concert alright, but why the hell a circus? Probably they had been drunk or high or maybe even both and it had sounded like a fantastic idea. Me being relatively sober, (strangely for somebody who was quite freely with his things, Brian was really after me and my drinking), I just didn't see the fun in this Circus idea, but well it was their show and who was I to complain? Two month ago I hadn't even known any of them and I hardly had known their names. My biggest worry was if I had enough to money to pay the rent and didn't need to worry about anyone dying. It was somewhat strange how your life could turn around in such a short time. Money was now one of my lesser problems. Brian was indeed paying my rent and I was living for free at his, food, drinks and well clothes included. For the first time in my life, I could actually save something up. Everything I received at the funeral parlour was just for me, not for the rent, alcohol, food or anything, but I wasn't the only one whose life had changed in this short time. Mary had moved out of her parent's house and finally was living on her own. In the beginning it hadn't been very easy, but at this point she was managing astonishing well on her own. She had never needed to clean or wash her clothes and now she pretty much had gotten the hang of it. She still struggled with some everyday things, but in my opinion she looked now more at peace and happier than she ever did before and that too we owned to Brian.

It was strange to think, but without him I would probably have died and Mary would have married a total stranger. Maybe he really was right and it had been fate? I shook my head I had never believed in such things why should I now? Brian had saved me, because that's what you do and same with me. I was living with him to help him, that this had given Mary the possibility to live at my flat was just a side effect, nothing more. I sighed. I probably was overthinking again, like usual.

"Are you really going like this?" I shrugged. I couldn't really see what was wrong my outfit again and why it even mattered. I was not the one being recorded and as far as I was informed everyone in the public received something to put on anyway. "You're not going to a funeral, you know? At least put some more colourful blouse or so on."

I sighed. "Mary, how often did we have this discussion now?"

"I know and still you're wearing only black, even though Brian bought you so many new clothes. Come on, I'll chose something for you." She said and looked desperately through my closet. Mary was really dedicated to those things, she pulled things out and looked me over probably imaging how I looked in them.

I just rolled my eyes. Some things never changed and it was probably for the best. A Mary who no longer was complaining about my clothes or me being boring would be strange and I'm not sure if I would like it. I was used to it and this stupid discussion was just as much part of our friendship than going out together.

"Now you look like something and you're even wearing black! See." She pushed me in front of a mirror, but I couldn't really see what was better now. I was wearing a black velvet dress with chiffon arms and lace cuffs. On top she had put me in a brown leather vest waistcoat thing. They fit to the colour of my boots. Even though it was the middle of December Mary was so keen on me not wearing tights. I looked better without them and that we weren't much outside anyway, were her two arguments and me not wanting to argue with her any further, I just agreed. Somehow it was odd, how I hated arguing with her, but with Brian I fought over nearly everything or at least tried to get my point across.

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