Have You Seen Your Mother Baby, Standing In The Shadow?

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I was just passing the time
I'm all alone, won't you give all your sympathy to mine?
Tell me a story about how you adore me
Live in the shadow, see through the shadow,
Live through the shadow, tear at the shadow

My first thought after waking up was, that my head hurt and that working today would be a real drag. I got up and looked at the clock, sighing relieved because at least I had still time. It didn't seem odd to me that I was in Brian's room or his bed, it had happened before and he obviously didn't like sleeping alone. I wouldn't have  thought much about it, hadn't there been the small detail that I had failed to notice before. I was only in my underwear. I frowned. What had happened yesterday? My head ached too much to remember much. I needed something for it and probably a drink too. I sat down in the kitchen and tried to recall the evening as good as I could. I got home, had looked for him and found him in his bedroom, smoking and I had joined him. 

At first only a few drags and everything seemed fine, but then it had hit me fully and it became so very blurry. All I had were some small scraps of memory, but nothing concrete. Brian and me drinking something and laughing in the kitchen. Lying down in his bed talking and then one of him undressing me. I bid my fingernails. I couldn't have? No I shook my head. I was still wearing underwear and even drunk or high or whatever I wouldn't do something like this. I groaned... I needed to get ready or I'll be late. I could still think about this later or never. Just forget about it seemed like a good idea. I had enough awkward memories with him already, even without these added. I showered really quick, got dressed and run away from everything, even nearly  forgetting my purse.

I sighed. Today was going to be one of these days, where you just asked yourself why you had gotten out of bed in the first place, I could just feel it. I was dead tired and felt horrible, I could just hope that my work would be peaceful today and until midday it was.

"Charlie, blimey have you seen the paper today?" Mary said as she entered the parlour high speed. I raised an eyebrow at her. Whatever there was written, must really be interesting for her to get so excited. Mr Evan cleared his throat. "Oh sorry I won't disturb you long. Well ok the good news first I got a job as secretary! Isn't that great?"

"Congrats" I smiled. I was truly happy for her that she got a chance at turning her life around and especially this fast.

"We need to celebrate that! Oh I'll pick you up after work and we go out." I was about to object, but Mary didn't even give me time. "Now to the paper, look through it!" She winked and tossed me some gossip magazine. "Well I'll go then! Sorry again for the disturbance. See you later!" And with that she was as fast gone as she had appeared.

"Is that your friend, Ben was talking about?" I nodded. "Seems like a nice girl..." Mr Evan said and then cleared his throat. "You can read that in your break." Again I just nodded. I really wanted to know why Mary would give me some magazine, but I guess there was no arguing and I could wait. My break wasn't that far away anyway and the missing 20 minutes passed somehow too.

I sat down with a sandwich, a cigarette and the magazine. I opened it and scrolled through it without finding anything really worthwhile. So I had a second look and nearly chocked on my cigarette.

George Harrison's secret love affair? Under the headline was a photo of Mary and him outside my flat and one of them at the party. Mary wasn't in neither really recognisable, but if you knew her, you would definitely recognise her. George was easier to spot in both of the pictures. I was in the photo of the party too, cigarette and drink in hand and looking totally disinterested  like I didn't give a care in the world about those two love birds. I laughed, even though it felt strange seeing my own best friend and me in a gossip magazine. I read through the article, but there wasn't much to go with the picture. George obviously had problems with his marriage. Pattie Boyd, his wife had an affair or something. I had no idea what that was about, because I usually didn't read this kind of papers. I hardly read the news, just enough to be informed.

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