Backstreet Girl

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I don't want you to be high
I don't want you to be down
Don't want to tell you no lie
Just want you to be around

It was cold was my first thought when I woke up and wondered where Brian was, usually he clung to me like a second blanket and getting rid of him was the first thing I did every morning, but now he was nowhere. Sleepily I searched through the bed until my hands touched skin. Old. Death. And suddenly I felt very sick. This couldn't be Brian, this could only be Keith, but how? Immediately I felt awake and I sat up to confirm my suspicions. I looked at the sleeping person next to me and indeed it was Keith. The next thing I noticed that this was neither my or Brian's bedroom, but I had a strong suspicious that it was Keith's, considering he was lying next to me. My head screamed at me to run off, not that I had been afraid of Keith, this just felt so wrong, especially since I had no idea how I had ended up here at first... What had happened yesterday? I took a deep breath and tried to recall everything more or less. Brian had taken Mary and me to the show and everything had seemed fine, beside Brian's behaviour perhaps, but even that was nothing out of the ordinary. Then Mary had left somewhere in the middle and I was on my own, but still everything was pretty clear...

Then I remembered the last song, the many visions and I paled. There had been so much death...But why? Had it just been too many vision and my brain had started to imagine things or was I finally so messed up that I couldn't stand more than one person? Even if that was true why had I seen them like they were already dead? It made no sense and something like this had never happened before...

I had been so scared... I normally wasn't like this... Even if everyone was dead, it shouldn't have bothered me that much... I mean wasn't I used to something like this? Blimey... I had been a mess and hell Brian! I had told him I would never leave him and now I had done it and run away... No wonder that he still would end up in a pool, if I was the only help he had... But he had looked so horribly... And I had as well... Was I really going to drown? Or did I just imagine that too? I shivered and pulled the covers closer, but I doubted that it would help. I had never known how I was going to die, but now it scared me. I could see where Brian came from, judging from my vision I hadn't much time left either, but how and why? It made no sense. On the other hand nothing did. I didn't even know why Keith was lying next to me. I remembered him taking me home and all, but nothing told me why he was exactly here and he wouldn't have just lay down with me, would he? At least the last time he had taken me home he hadn't...

"Oh you're awake? Are you ok?"

I looked to the side. Keith had woken up and sat up next to me. He looked at me somewhat worried, but I suppose that was kind of understandable after what had happened. On the other hand I had no idea what exactly had taken place to begin with. "What happened?"

He sighed. "You were high, I believe, even though I have no idea how that came to be and Brian swears he didn't give you anything."

I frowned. "High? That can't be..."

"Are you sure?" Keith frowned too. "You didn't take anything from anybody or something?" I shook my head. Nobody had offered me anything like this and even if I wouldn't have accepted. I might drink more than what was considered healthy, but I wasn't one for drugs... "Maybe-"He had started, but never finished his sentence. The telephone rung and interrupted him. "Eh sorry give me a moment." He excused himself and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Oh hi, what's up? You're usual not calling that early."

I had no idea who he was talking to or what he was telling Keith, but it seemed to be a longer story and judging from Keith's face it weren't good news either. "He what? And why?"

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