Going Home

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  Spendin' too much time away
I can't stand another day
Maybe you think I've seen the world
But I'd rather see my girl

Getting my job back was easier said than done.

I was horribly nervous when I left my flat on Monday morning. Mary had tried to reassure me that Mr. Evan probably had sympathy for my situation and that I had worked so long for him without any incident that he might overlook this now. I knew she meant well, but it fell on deaf ears. Me losing my job was not an option, but a reality and I couldn't blame Mr. Evan for a minute. I had acted stupid and still was. I hadn't slept a minute last night, simply out of worry over well everything.

There was so much on my mind, even more than usual and there was no way for me to turn it off. Mary didn't want me drinking and I felt even worse. Everything in me yelled for a glass, but she stayed stubborn and I felt sicker by the minute, which didn't help me sleep at all.

At least she let me have one before I left, because I "couldn't look any worse and it might even help" according to her and it did. The sick feeling I had, didn't disappear, but it was on a level I could work with, even if it was present more than ever as soon as I entered the funeral parlour.

"Oh you're finally back," Mr. Evan greeted me as the door closed behind me and I realised there was no way back now. I really was not good at confrontations of any sort and I doubted this would go over well with. It was hard to tell if Mr. Evan was in a good mood or a bad one, however one thing was clear on his face: disappointment and again I couldn't blame him.

"I'm very sorry... I had a very bad week and I understand if you would fire me..." I nearly whispered looking at the floor.

He took a deep breath and I felt mine getting caught. "You've been working for me for so long without any incidents, but you were already absent so much last month and now this... I don't know how this is going to turn out, but I can't stay around to find it out... I have a business to manage and I can't afford it, I'm very sorry."

Even though I had expected this, it hit me hard. My job had been one of the only things in my life that gave me a sense of normality and a possibility to be part of society and now losing it, felt like someone had taken even the last mean for a normal life from me.

"I understand," I weakly said.

"I-"Again he took a deep breath. "Trust me this choice wasn't easy and I wouldn't have decided on it, if I hadn't found a different solution for you."

"Solution?" I wondered surprised, looking up at Mr. Evan, who was looking sympathetic at me.

"Ben told me you were rather serious with this musician and moved in with him... I still don't like it one bit, especially when this is the result, but I can hardly force you to leave him. Well so I thought if you really are serious with him, this might be a good possibility for you to look for a job that was closer to where he lived and I called around a bit. There's a funeral parlour, not too far, that would take you in, of course only if you want the job. You could have a fresh start there and I think that's the best for you at the moment, you really look like you could use one or several.... Well I wrote you the address and the telephone number down, so that you can contact them if you're interested."

I just stood there and looked dumbfounded at Mr. Evan. I couldn't believe that he had gone to such lengths for me, especially when I had neglected my job so much. "I don't know what to say or how to thank you..."

"Get your boyfriend and his associates to sign me this. You know my daughter loves 'em and she would be overjoyed," he said smiling and stepped closer to hand me a record that looked like it at least been played a million times and the note containing the address and the telephone number. "And don't forget to call for the job."

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