Miss Amanda Jones

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She'd look really lovely at home
Till somebody gonna come up and ask her
To live happily ever after, Miss Amanda Jones


A.N: 50 years ago Brian died and 23 years and a day ago the author was born, so to honor both, here's a quick update. It took me an eternity to get this chapter out, for which I'm deeply sorry for and I'm sure no one wants to hear my excuses anymore. However it is true I went through a lot in the past year...  At some point I was so bad I couldn't even do the most basic things anymore...  I'm still not in the best place emotionally and tho yes I believe it will be better someday, I can't say when this will be the case.

So please bear with me, I update when I update. There are 4 chapters left and 2 epilogues, which I've already drawn out and try to work on whenever I feel a bit better. Thank you. 

P.S Thanks a lot for the 40K views and the nearly 3K votes, it seriously means a lot to me. 


Not even a week after Brian had announced publicly he'd leave the Stones, they introduced their new guitarist; Mick Taylor. Brian didn't seem to care or he at least didn't share his opinion about him with me- the only one who did was Mary. She called and asked me probably a hundred questions about the Stones, Brian and I don't know what more. I guess she just needed somebody to talk to, as far as I understood she wasn't allowed to leave the house until she had delivered her baby. Her family didn't want to have rumours running around about the identity of the father and thereby they didn't even knew who the father really was. I still thought Mary should tell Keith, but we argued every single time I tried to bring up the topic and in the end I gave up on it. It was her business and I couldn't force her. After all her baby would have a father and a home to grow up in now. Forcing Keith in the picture would only cause unnecessarily problems with Mary's family again. Maybe it wasn't fair to him, and I was sure Keith would have taken responsibility if he knew- maybe he wouldn't marry her, but he would support her and their child financially- but at the same time I understood that this wouldn't have been enough for Mary. She wanted more, which she had achieved now and so I promised to keep her secret.

Although I feared the same thing couldn't be said of Brian. He had never said a word about it, but I suspected he had to know that Keith could be the father of Mary's baby and though I trusted Brian, I didn't trust him enough to keep the secret, if he could use it to his advantage... or just to blurt it out when he was fed up. Yet by the looks of things, that possibility would be dead by the third of July.

True to his word, Brian started to arrange his affairs, he set up a will (the note I had found in his office had just been a draft) with me as the heir, but with some pressure from my side, he agreed that his children and their mothers would get after his death a small financial aid from his royalties every month until they came of age. It wasn't much, but more than most children born out of wedlock would have received. Brian didn't understand why I even meddled, after all it was none of my business nor why I cared about women he had previously slept and been with.  Secretly I wondered if my lack of obvious jealousy was the real reason he seemed upset about my meddling. It wasn't that I wasn't jealous at all, but more than that, I exactly knew how it was to grow up without a father and how hard it had been on my mother and I didn't want any children to go through the same thing, when It could be easily prevented. It was the right thing to do in my eyes. 

However the whole situation reminded me once again off my father. I only had Brian's word that he just contacted me for money, but the more I thought about it, the more it started to make sense. Obviously my father had known about my existence and probably could have contacted me earlier, if he had wanted, but he never had. Only when the news broke that I was with Brian, he suddenly contacted me. It could have just been a coincidence, however it seemed highly unlikely and I decided to close that chapter for me forever. I needed to focus on the future and couldn't be stuck in the past, not only for my sake, but for Brian's too. 

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