Sing This All Together

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  Open our heads let the pictures come
And if we close all our eyes together
Then we will see where we all come from
Pictures of us through the steamy haze
Picture of us painted in our place 

I had no idea how long this was supposed to take.

I probably should have asked Brian about it before just jumping head first into it, but it had seemed like such a good opportunity, especially when I was afraid I would change my mind again or Brian would. He didn't like it one bit and under different circumstances our role reversal might have been nearly ironic, but neither he nor I were really in a mood to care. I was on the way to be high and Brian was nipping on his glass looking anything but happy. He had decided to stay sober considering what had happened to me last time. I wasn't sure if he could be a big help if I indeed got paranoid again, but at least more than if he was off as well.

Currently I was even doubting it was working at all. I looked around the living room, but everything seemed perfectly normal, no strange visions, hallucinations and no dead Brian. Maybe I was forcing this too much, but it had to work. I needed something. Every little piece of information could have helped and there was nothing. Why did I even have this gift if it was so useless after all? All it had brought me were disadvantages, pain and heartache.

"Are you sure about it? Without them you would never have met Brian and surely not have fallen in love with him. He wouldn't even have looked at you twice."

I frowned at the sound of the sudden voice. It wasn't Brian's nor was it mine, so who didn't it belong to then? There was nobody else around, was there? My head was spinning a bit and my view was strangely blurred, but I looked around anyway for the source of the voice.

"And now he can hardly look away from you for more than two minutes, but do you really think that's enough to save him? Love and some hope? You can't cheat death; it always finds its way. One way or another."

I shuddered and turned towards Brian to ask him, if he was hearing this eerie voice too, but he was gone. Next to me was Keith, smiling brightly at me and I just frowned. Not really understanding where he had just appeared from. Keith had left, hadn't he? So what was he doing here again? Keith said something, but I couldn't hear it no matter how hard I tried. There was no noise at all and I wondered if the drugs had turned me deaf, but that would make no sense would it? And that wouldn't explain where Brian had so sudden disappeared to and why Keith had taken his place. His arm was around my shoulder like before Brian's and his other lay on my stomach. The situation seemed so casual and peaceful, but all I felt was sick and sad, even though I had no idea why. It was like someone had dumped me right into a moment in my life without telling me the background story or maybe it were only the drugs messing with my mind. Maybe Keith hadn't left and I just thought he had. I wasn't sure, I tried to recall any details, but they seemed blurred. Everything was, beside this moment with Keith. Frowning I looked anew at him, wanting to ask him what was going on, but not a sound left my lips. Keith was smiling and pulled me closer to him, so that my head was resting on his chest. He kissed my head, making me feel even sicker.

"Don't touch me," I yelled out, pushing him away. I wasn't sure why I exactly did, but it felt so wrong. Keith wasn't supposed to be here with me, but Brian.

"Where is Brian?" I asked, looking up at Keith, but he was no longer here, instead I came face to face with a pair of worried eyes that had since I had first met him drawn me in in a way. They held so many expressions and sometimes they looked so gone that it was nearly heart breaking.

"Are you alright?" His voice sounded even more troubled than his eyes looked, but I didn't care. I was just glad that he was here and pulled him into a hug to make sure he really was I suppose. My mind was feeling so off and I no longer trusted it, but something I could feel had to be true right?

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