The Lantern

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A.N: Again most of this has been written back in 2016, which explains the slightly difference in writing style... and of course the fast update. Warnings: mentions of drug use... and visions. 


We, on our present life,
Knew that the stars were right.
That if you are the first to go,
You'll leave a sign to let me know,


Brian's arm was still around me, when I felt the drugs working. It was different from last time. Then it had all happen so quickly, as if somebody pulled me from one vision to another. Now I felt more like gliding from one to the next. 

The first thing I saw was Keith. He sat next to me on a couch smiling and he had a child on his lap. It was the boy, I had already seen in my last visions, the one who looked so much like my brother...  His hair was chestnut brown, like mine, but his eyes. He had Brian's bright eyes without a doubt and I felt my heart melt at the sight of him smiling up at Keith. Brian was nowhere to be seen though, which worried me for a moment, but before I could hardly blink the vision had ended.

Keith was gone and suddenly we were walking. It took me a second to realise I was back on the party and we were about to leave. Brian held me close as he pushed through the people. To my luck. I guess he didn't think much of me being absent, because of the many people around us. Of course I would have visions, just not the ones I currently had. 

I breathed out, relieved. I had never been as thankful for a crowded place than in this moment, I thought as the scenery changed.

It was white and bright and I was laying in a bed. Brian was sitting next to me, looking dejected. I had no idea why, but I felt good, yet my body seemed exhausted. I smiled as I took his hand. He didn't return it. 

Cold air hit me suddenly and I shivered. "Are you cold?" I heard Brian ask. I think I shock my head, but Brian still put his coat on me. "I can't have you becoming sick on me," he told me and kissed my head.  

 In the next moment I was at a beach. I felt the sand beneath my feet and the warm sun on my skin.  I had a cold drink, some sort of cocktail in my hand. I turned around and then saw Brian. He was laughing while chasing a child around.  The same kid I had seen it before in my vision with Keith.

I think my heart stopped in that moment. Could this really mean what I thought it meant? Brian and I had a future? But how? Could this really be the future ? Or was this just something I wanted to be truth? A stupid fantasy, the drugs had made me see?

I felt my eyes water.

"Charlie? What's wrong?" Brian asked and only now I noticed that I was sitting on the ground on my knees. He was standing above me, but holding my hands as if he wanted to help me up.

"Brian, I-" I started, but got caught off by the next vision. I was sitting on the couch in Brian's music room. He was again next to me, but this time held a guitar and seemed to play a few tunes.  It seemed so foreign in a way, because he had never before played something for me. And he obviously wasn't doing it this time as well. There were 3 other people in the room with instruments, whom I didn't know. They were laughing and I suspected they were part of Brian's new band. Even if I didn't get why I was there.

"Charlie? Charlie, please, talk to me!" I suddenly heard somebody desperately cry and turned my head to come face to face to Brian. He was obviously worried. His eyes seemed so sorrowful and held such a deep sadness, that I thought I might drown in them.

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