Mother's Little Helper

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The pursuit of happiness just seems a bore
And if you take more of those, you will get an overdose
No more running for the shelter of a mother's little helper
They just helped you on your way, through your busy dying day

Brian was right, it was nice being on my own. The last few weeks I had more people in my life than I had for years and especially the whole thing with him and well Mary too just seemed complicated. I tried calling her, but it seemed like she wasn't home. Maybe she was still with George, but it seemed odd that she was all over him when before she had no interest in them whatsoever. What had made her change her mind? I really needed to talk to her especially since Brian had caused such a scene with her, for my sake and tell her I'm sorry. Maybe I'll try again later.

The rest of the afternoon I wandered around and looked through Brian's home. He never had bothered to show me the whole house and I thought if I was going to live here I could at least have a look around. I didn't really know what I expected, but he owned a lot of books and it somehow didn't really fit into this rock star image. On the other hand Brian always had something different about him, beside that he made me feel uneasy and was annoying. He was a lot cleverer than he let on, if he had a clear moment, but even while high he still remarked things and he seemed to be interested in a lot of different topics. Maybe if we made an effort for once we could actually hold a normal conversation, even if I now doubted that we really had much in common. He had been to so many places, read so many books and probably met the Queen, where as I only had my job and Mary... Blimey I haven't even been out of the city once...

His life seemed so much more exciting than mine... No wonder they thought I was boring or stiff and it made me curious.. I know it wasn't polite and I felt a bit guilty for going through his things, especially his photographs... However he had now so often barged into my life I could at least take a look at his stuff. He looked different in them. He seemed happier and I wondered what changed. He clearly enjoyed his music and the band, so why had he lost his interest? It couldn't only be the drugs, there was more behind it, but I doubted he would just tell me and asking him was a ticket home. I wanted to help him, really, but I wondered if I could. He and I didn't get along and he had no idea about personal space whatsoever. He was rude and demanding. Still I couldn't deny that he interested me or well his death did. It just seemed so odd and the sudden changes made it just even more mysterious. Furthermore Brian had his moments, but he wasn't an asshole usually. He owned a second chance.

After my tour I tried calling Mary again with the same result, because I had nothing better to do and no better idea I rung my own phone, maybe she had gone to my flat. It wouldn't be the first time she crashed there, because she didn't want to go home and there indeed somebody picked up.

"'ello?" I frowned that didn't sound like Mary, so who was at my flat? She wouldn't just bring somebody to it, would she? And a burglar would hardly pick up the phone.

"Can I ask whose speaking?"

"Can I ask whose asking?" He replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I just want to speak with Mary, nothing more."

"You're her friend from yesterday, aren't ye? The one Brian was lookin' for."

I sighed. "Does it matter? Please just give me her."

"A moment, luv." I heard him putting the phone down and calling Mary. It took her a few moments, but then finally I heard her voice.

"Charlie?" She asked.

"Mary, why are you with George in my flat?"

"We could hardly go to mine and he is well you know..."He was married. I sighed. "And I thought you would be leaving with Brian and would probably not return any time soon. That's where you clothes are, aren't they? Tell me when did you and Brian get together? I thought you were with Keith. What happened?"

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