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Preference: His favorite part of you

Your hair. He loves how soft it is when he runs his hands through it. He loves the (H/C) locks and the many different styles you put them in. He thinks it's the cutest thing when you blow it up in annoyance when you're reading. He loves how thick it is when you let him brush it on occasion. He just really loves your hair.

Your nose. You can't stand it, but he loves how it is slightly upturned. He loves it without makeup, though you tend to put a load on. He also loves to kiss it. You think it is the cutest thing when he kisses your nose then turns away, blushing. You then kiss his cheek in response, and he smiles, knowing he made you happy.

Your hands. He loves to hold them, he loves to kiss them. He loves it when his head is in your lap, you running your fingers through his hair to ease stress. He loves the way they seem to be flawless in any task you accomplish with them. However, his favorite part is the way they can calm him down. Sometimes, when he gets angry, the only thing that can sooth him are your hands. Running up and down his arms, caressing his face, holding his own. Your soft fingers running through his hair makes him melt.

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