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(A/N: Hey guys! Does anyone else have to deal with that situation where your friends invite you to go to a party or something, and you agree but later realize that you didn't really want to go? Cause you've been to these parties before and they aren't ever fun and you know that you aren't going to enjoy it? I'm in this situation currently and ARGGGH. I really don't want to go, tbh. Oh well. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: How he deals with stress/pressure


He binges TV shows with you.

Got a show that just came on Netflix that you want to watch with Cas? Wait until his next semester at work when he has to work heavily with his co workers. He always comes home super frazzled and worn out, and all he really wants to do is get takeaway, cuddle up on the couch and fall asleep watching whatever show you picked.


He reads. A lot. And has to have you in the room.

Even if you aren't necessarily interacting, Peter has to have you in the room if he's reading. When his projects at work get particularly stressful, he reads around three books for every week that the project is going on, and while that doesn't leave much time for you, Peter makes sure that you are in the picture. Normally you sit on opposite sides of the couch, feet beside each others on the ottoman, while you get work done or brush up on some reading yourself. Peter often makes comments about what's going on in his book, and since he nearly never reads anything except for fantasy, the stories can become pretty outlandish!


Cuddles. Lots of them. Multiple times a day.

Ed just needs the love, okay?! Seriously, he craves physical contact from you as soon as he is home. He doesn't really detach from you, and while it might seem annoying, it's really endearing. The night usually ends cuddled up together in bed while some soft indie music plays in the background.

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