Edmund Oneshot

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Oneshot: Edmund Insecurities Prompt

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"What's wrong with me?" Edmund asked you. You scowled, knowing where this conversation was going. It wasn't exactly a fun topic.

"Nothing, by any means, is wrong with you." You paused for a second, confused."Why do you always think something is wrong with you?"

Edmund shrugged."I don't know."

It was one of those days were Edmund was just out of it. He wasn't paying attention in meetings, he wasn't eating his food and he hadn't even touched the book he was reading. You knew what was coming.

Every so often, Edmund would go into this state of depression and self deprecation. He would lose motivation to do anything. Any compliment you gave him went in one ear and out the other. Peter and Caspian always got fed up with him then, but you never did. You realized that telling him to perk up or try and smile was too much to ask for sometimes.

Now he was sitting outside with his head in your lap, looking up at the sky. You ran your hands through his hair repeatedly. You knew he was about to start ranting about what he disliked about himself, so you stayed silent.

"Am I really that annoying? It seems like everytime I try to say something during court meetings, everyone picks at their nails or plays with their hair, like what I'm saying is the most boring thing they've ever heard." He ranted. Edmund grabbed your wrist to stop your hand. He laced his fingers with yours and rested your hands on his chest."Peter and Caspian don't listen to anything I say. I mean, why should they bother." He scoffed."Peter is the High King of Narnia. Caspian is King Caspian the Tenth of Telmar, if nothing else. And what am I? I'm the traitor who should have been killed a thousand years ago, in Narnia."

You didn't have anything to say. Even if you did, your would've kept quiet. You knew Edmund just needed to rant right now. You could console him later.

"Had I been killed instead of Aslan, he could have killed the Witch with a single bound. But no. I was 'so important'," He used air quotes," that Aslan sacrificed himself. He did come back, but countless Narnians had already died. I should have died when the Witch stabbed me. Maybe that would have restored some sort of balance to the universe." Your eyes unconsciously wandered down Edmund's torso to where you knew his scar was. He always complained about it, but, quite frankly, you though it was hot.

Edmund stopped talking for a while, but you knew he was only thinking about more things he hated about himself.

"Y/N?" He asked you.


"Do you love me?" He asked. For a split second, your eyes widened at his bluntness. You, however, quickly regained your composure.

"Yes." There wasn't a doubt in your mind that you loved Edmund.


Your heart broke then and there.

The thought that someone you cared for so dearly could so strongly loath himself was something no one should have to endure. You saw no flaws in Edmund; to you, he was the example of perfect. You loved everything about him. His scars, his chubby parts, his freckles. How amazing he is with a sword. How cute he looks in the morning, sleepy eyes and bed hair.

"Because." You replied. You weren't going to tell him exactly why you loved him. Got to keep him on his toes, right?

"Because why?" He said, sitting up. You leaned over and kissed his freckle covered nose. He scrunched it up in response, making you giggle.

"Because you are you."

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