Peter Oneshot

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(A/N: This is a request that I got from my Tumblr! I was debating on whether or not to post it here as well, so tell me your thoughts. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! I love you!)

2nd POV


That's the only word that Peter could think of.

Death was nothing new to Peter. He had lost many animals and distant family members. He had heard stories from his father about the war. He had felt the pain of death before, but never on this level.

He didn't mean to feel so attached to you. He didn't think that he would take such a liking to anyone in Narnia. He couldn't let himself put anyone in front of his siblings. He couldn't let anyone else become that important.

But then you walked into his life. It was seemingly out of nowhere, but you knew you had a purpose. You were important, and that was something Peter would never forgive you for.

As the news spread across camp of your's and Aslan's passing, everyone looked to the young boy. Technically, he was only a knight. Not a prince, king, ward or anything of that sort. He was destined to be a great king. But, at heart, he was still a child who had, in hindsight, lost the love of his young life.

In the years to come, stories would be told of King Peter's wrath. How King Edmund would settle your disputes, but his brother would fight your battles. In the moment, he didn't want to fight any battles. He wanted to stay. He wanted to forget all about Narnia. He wanted you back. He wished he had never laid eyes on you.

He had confined himself to his tent. The only person allowed in was Edmund, but only because it was his tent as well. Otherwise, Peter would have banned him and everyone else.

Peter knew that a battle was coming. Lucy and Susan had sent word through the trees. Your death was in vain. The White Witch was going to take back Narnia, one way or another.

Still, he sat in his hammock, staring at the grass. Just a few hours ago, you both had been sat there, talking about Narnia, England and everything in between. You were curious about radios, while Peter was in awe of your Neko heritage. Everything had been, semi, alright.

Now Peter stared at the ground with tears in his eyes. He didn't know why. He never allowed himself to get so emotional over anything. Look what you did to him.

Edmund stepped inside the tent, cautious of making Peter anymore upset.

"What do you want, Ed?" Peter's voice was hoarse, and Edmund knew that he probably been sobbing.

"I wanted to come check on you," he said. Edmund sat on his hammock, painfully aware of every sound around them.

They sat in silence for what seemed like hours, but was only minutes. Both of them knew what Edmund was going to say next.

"I know that she meant a lot to you, but-,"

"I loved her!" Peter screamed. Edmund jumped, falling back into his pillows. Peter sat rigid, the sudden realization making everything worse."I loved her," his voice was raw with emotion. Love, anger, sadness, frustration and strain mixed into one sound," and now she's gone."

Peter, with the last bit of strength in his body, fell forward, off of his hammock and onto his knees on the ground. He sobbed, body racking with each painful cry.

"Oh, Pete." Edmund knew he sounded like Susan, but in that moment he didn't care. His brother was hurting, and that was more important than making sure he didn't sound like a his sister.

So, he comforted Peter. He put his blanket around him and sat next to him, slinging an arm 'round his shoulders. Peter leaned into Edmund, crying a bit less with every sobb.

"I'm sorry for yelling," Peter choked out.

"It's alright." If Edmund knew Peter at all, he knew that after he got sad, he got angry. This was the worst situation for that pattern to continue."Just, please, promise me one thing."


"Don't go after the White Witch alone."Edmund knew that Peter would object.

"Why shouldn't I?" Peter asked. Now that Ed mentioned it, why didn't he want revenge before?

"Because," Edmund said."Just, please. Stick to the plan. Stay with Oreius. Don't charge her head on. Please. Y/N wouldn't have wanted you to do that," he added, knowing it would strike a chord with him.

Peter sighed."Alright."

"Thank you."

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