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(A/N: Hey guys! How are you? I'm extremely bitter about the Miss Peregrine's movie. Anyways, remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: You get matching tattoos and why


        'Cause you wanted 'em.


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        To prove a point.

        In all honestly, no one thought that your relationship would last. Peter had bounced around with girls before finally settling down with you. Susan warned you that every girl who dated Peter got their heart broken. It wasn't that Peter was mean or dumped them harshly; he did exactly the opposite. He was genuinely sad that it didn't work out. They were just sad that THE Peter Pevensie had dumped them. Peter wanted to signify that your relationship was something permanent, something he wanted.


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        Because you wanted too.

        Edmund needs praise. He needs reassurance. He wanted reassurance that you loved him, that you weren't going to leave him.

 He wanted reassurance that you loved him, that you weren't going to leave him

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