Edmund Oneshot 1/2

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(A/N: Hey guys! I'm rereading The Horse and His Boy and I forgot how much I love this book! I think that it might be my favorite in the series, mostly because I had no expectations for it? Like, there isn't a movie or TV series or whatever so the story is just so new and raw and oh my goodness I love it. I have no clue if what happens in the story could actually make you temporarily deaf but just go with it. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Oneshot: Okay I can't explain it just read with Edmund

Edmund played a role in front of the Narnian court, in front of the people that would so quickly undermine him that he couldn't afford to not know everything. He made it his job, prided himself on it. He heard things others didn't, found ways of getting information and when hearsay became rumours and rumours became truth, pleasantly, he was never surprised by the developments.

Sometimes, acquiring this information became treacherous and questionable as to whether or not it was worth the dangers the young king had to put himself in. He never truly heeded their words, knowing that swords nor arrows nor any amount of poison could bring him to his knees.

When he met Y/N, things were decidedly and explicitly different for Edmund. With someone to care for, and someone that cared about him in this unexplored vein of love, the way he saw his actions changed. He thought that he would miss the danger, the thrill and rush of adrenaline when a sword swings just past your chest and barely misses your heart that is beating oh so fast-

He didn't miss it. And he did. And he didn't and he did and it seemed to be an endless cycle of not knowing whether to give into this addiction that could only be fulfilled by tragedy or to give it up and live a peaceful life with the woman carrying his child, his wife that he loved so dearly.

It was a simple battle in Calormen, nothing but a dispute that had escalated as Edmund and Peter made their way to Tashbaan in an admittedly poorly armed carriage. Additional guards had ridden a quarter of a mile behind them, so as to not alarm the Tisroc by what looked like a war party, so for the time being it was only Edmund, Peter, and a handful of guards that had been riding on horseback next to the carriage against a company of Calormen soldiers.

Edmund knew that after a horn had been blown, their small band would have to hold the Calormen off for several minutes before reinforcements could arrive. After quickly jumping out of the carriage, Edmund drew his sword, intercepting a blow that nearly struck a horse one of his men was riding. Men were engaged in combat in every direction of the boy king, and Edmund suddenly felt much less confident in his odds as he watched his men fall with each second.

Suddenly, Edmund heard a scream, and before he could compute it there was a gust of wind by his head and then silence, all except for a sharp, high pitched screeching noise.

Edmund let his sword fall, dropping to the ground on his knees and clutching his head. He saw Peter's feet in front of him, turning and moving as he struggled to defend his little brother against the Calormen.

After nearly ten minutes of enduring the pain in his head without explanation, Edmund watched as Peter crouched down in front of him, watched as his mouth moved but sound was produced, at least that Edmund could hear.

Outside of Edmund's head, Peter was terrified and confused as to what was happening to his brother. He wasn't responding to his questions and seemed just as confused and bewildered as Peter spoke to him.

"I-" Edmund began to spoke, but stopped short as his brows furrowed. "I can't-"

"Ed, you need to speak," Peter said, hands on Edmund's shoulders. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I can't hear."

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