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(A/N: Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day! I would say that I hope you have a great time with your partner, but let's face it; if you are reading at all, almost none of us have social lives, so we all probably fit under the single category. We had our first practice for Annie Jr. today... Needless to say, I'm already feeling my controlling urges trying to break free. I have trouble trusting people and their ability to get things done correctly, and this show, I've come to realize, is absolutely no different. Oh well. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Modern Preference: What he does for Valentine's Day


He took you wine/bar hopping.

Instead of the run-of-the-mill sit down dinner, Caspian decided that it was past time that you two hit up a bar, or five. For Valentine's Day, you went to many different bars, trying out the special of each place and a few wines neither of you had ever tried. You ended up being slightly tipsy towards the end, but you both had a fun, interesting date and a few new favorite drinks.


He recreated your first date.

Yep, back to where it all began: the awkwardly lengthy longing looks, shakily holding hands and not knowing what to order at what would become one of your favorite restaurants together. Peter made sure that you both dressed similarly to what you wore that first night and you ordered the same thing. By far, the best part of the date was at the end, when instead of kissing you goodbye at your door, he followed you inside.


He took you dancing.

No, Edmund did not take you to a club to get drunk and flop around under the raving strobe lights; somehow, Ed found a place right out of the 40's, complete with the poofy skirts and full suits. It was like time traveling into another era, where dancing was a much more classy and fun thing to do on a night out. When you weren't dancing you were sitting at a table off to the side, enjoying a nice meal with the gentleman you were proud to call your own.

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