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(A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry I missed the update yesterday; I had a really fun day out with my mom and brother. I also got a makeover at Sephora ^ I'm pretty happy with the results. I felt kinda self-concious about it though cause I never wear that much makeup so I kept my head down most of the time we were walking around XD Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: What he thought when you expressed interest in wearing makeup


        He was confused.

        Caspian didn't ever really see the purpose of makeup, but from what he had heard, people wore it to 'cover up imperfections'. He was worried that you felt self-conscious or didn't like how you looked naturally. He felt a bit better when you told him that the main reason you wanted to wear makeup was because of the fun lipsticks and highlighters.


        He couldn't really have cared less.

        Peter really doesn't care about how you look. As long as you feel comfortable and happy, then he's comfortable and happy. Though he did admit to being a bit hesitant to kissing you with lipstick on.


        He thought it was cool.

        Honestly, Edmund was just excited to see you in all of the cool colors. He didn't mind when you wanted to use his hand to swatch bright colors so you could use yours to match your skin tone.

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