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Modern Preference: He has too much to drink


Cas is a sleepy drunk.

He goes from wasted to knocked out in two minutes. You usually have to get Edmund or Peter, who usually stay sober, to help you walk him home. You two live in the heart of London so you usually just walk to bars. At least he's easy to take care of, though. As soon as he's in bed, you thank whoever helped you get him there and go to bed yourself.


Peter is a silly drunk.

Imagine if you stuck ten IVs of pain meds in Peter. That's how he gets when he's intoxicated; hence the reason why he doesn't drink much. He's always worried he'll be mean to you when he's drunk, but you just laugh because he's really the funniest thing when he's drunk.

His words slur together and his accent gets thicker. He makes all of these funny faces and is extremely clumsy, which is really weird for the High King. He's very laid back, forgetting all of the things he usually has to worry about. It's honestly refreshing for you. Seeing him so carefree and happy is really nice, especially because he's usually so stressed out.


Edmund is a kissy drunk.

When he's intoxicated, Edmund acts as though you are his lifeline. He's all over you until it wears off. Kissing you constantly, hands all over you. If he isn't in contact with you, he gets all panicky. You can't have a conversation because Edmund is too busy kissing the life out of you. While sometimes it's nice, as you two don't always get to send as much time as you'd like together, others it's just really annoying. While you're trying to have a conversation with F/N and Peter, who are dating, Edmund won't let you get two words out. Oh well.

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