Peter Oneshot: Happy Birthday Death Girl!

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(A/N: Hey guys! THis is a very special oneshot that I talked about in the only other oneshot of this kind; A birthday oneshot for a friend that lives somewhere else. Anyway, this one is for my friend Samantha. She now lives in a different state and is still moving in, so I thought this would be a more convenient present then something physical. I hope you like it Sam!)

Dedicated to: Books_4_ever1234

Happy Birthday!

Peter's POV

        "Okay." Susan said."So you told Sam that you won't be there for her birthday?" I nodded, shuffling through my boarding papers and ticket to make sure I have everything."And she believed you?"

       "Yes, Sue. She believed me." I reiterated. Susan's constant nagging as she drove me to the airport weren't helping.

        We were talking about my girlfriend, Sam. She lives in South Dakota and I live in New York. Her 16th birthday is tomorrow, and I was flying out there secretly to surprise her with the help of her friend Becca.

        "Are you ready?" Susan asked, pulling into a airport parking spot. I nodded, but I didn't feel very confident.

        "You know, she'll either smack you or kiss you." Susan joked, voicing my thoughts. I was kind of worried about what Sam's reaction would be.

        "I know."

*le small baby time skip*

        I sat down in front of my terminal. I was fifteen minutes early, so I had a bit of time to kill. I decided to text Sam before I got on the plane.(A/N This will be me first time writing text messages so it's probably really cringey.)

You- Ello

        I waited about a minute before Sam replied.

Sam<3- Hey

You- I miss you

Sam<3- I miss you more. I can't wait for September.

You- Me neither <3

        You see, Sam thinks that I'm coming up in September for a trip with her family. She doesn't think she's going to see me before then.

Sam<3- What are you doing?


You- Watching Lucy

Sam<3- I have to go

You- Ok, love you.

Sam<3- love you too       

        It seemed believable enough, I think. I couldn't tell her where I really was, as she might ask questions and then the whole surprise would be ruined. I decided to text Becca and make sure everything was running smoothly.

You- Hey

Becca- Hello

You- How is she?

Becca- She's bummed because 'you can't be here on her birthday'.*wink wink*

You- Haha. Is everything set up?

        Incase you couldn't tell, I'm very worried about this whole thing.

Becca- Yes. Stop stressing.

You- I can't help it!

Becca- Lol. Yes you can. Now, your flight is probably boarding right now. Go on.

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