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(A/N: Hey guys. This one is going to be a bit different. I feel really anxious right now. I'm a person who needs a tether, and goal. I've always know what I wanted to be when I grow up. Usually, I would switch from profession, but right now I don't want to do what I wanted, but I don't want to do anything else. I feel very confused and the preference will all of them combined, because honestly people should do the same things for people with anxiety, in my opinion. I know this can be a touchy subject so feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments. On with the preference.)

Preference: WHat he does when you're anxious

Caspian, Peter and Edmund

Whatever you need them to do. Whether you need him there or to go away. Whether you want to talk or never want to voice your worries to him. Whether you need a cuddle or get claustrophobic. Whether you need him be quiet and listen or tell you that it's okay. That it's okay, and he loves you. He loves everything about you and will be with you through this. He'll leave if he's making you anxious, but he'll stay if you need your tether. He'll offer help but won't force you. He whisper softly and not mention anything that's to hard until you're okay again. He'll be as sensitive as you need him to be. He'll notice before you have to tell him. He'll immediately drop everything and focus on you, and making you feel happy and safe again. He'll make you your favorite meal or order pizza if that's what you'd prefer. He'll treat you like a princess. His princess. His fragile, broken, damaged princess that means everything to him.

(A/N: Okay. I feel much better after writing that. I'm sorry this one is kind of ranty and short at the same time, dark and doesn't make a lot of sense but after this I'm going to turn on Narnia and start a new oneshot that will be very professional and stuff so yay. I'm sorry that this is my best work, but I feel better after writing it.)

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