Edmund Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! I would like to talk about something that has come up for me.

I homeschool myself. This school year, I am hoping to do two grades, then go into public high school next year. This is, as some of you may know, very difficult. I do a lot of extra curriculars as well. I'm swamped, basically. I'm sorry to have to do this, but I'm going to ask you to refrain from sending in any requests until I have the ones that I already have done. I am also getting requests from my Tumblr, which I am going to ask stop. I will still be posting daily and talking to you guys, don't worry. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds. Love you!)

Oneshot: Edmund and the reader are fighting.

Requested by:

3rd Person POV

Y/N had had enough.

Y/N and Edmund had never gotten along very well. They were fine when they were kids, but soon, both of them developed a sudden hatred for the other.

Edmund had done it now. He had gone out on an unauthorized mission, and come back with severe injuries. Y/N had half a mind to let him bleed out.

Now they were in the infirmary, bickering as though Edmund hadn't been stabbed through.

"You really are the worst, you know," Y/N said, wringing the water out of a towel.

"I try." Edmund was laying on a bed with his shirt off so that Y/N would have better access to the wound. Someone had stabbed him in his side, not deep enough to kill him but deep enough to hurt.

"You should try being sensible. It might save you a few battle scars." Y/N wasn't complaining though. She didn't like seeing him in pain, but he looked more attractive with every scar that littered his form.

"You're not complaining," Edmund acknowledged.

"Oh, yeah." Y/N pressed the cloth to Edmund's wound, making him hiss in pain and arch his back. Y/N pressed down on his chest with her free hand, trying to get him to lie straight and still."Why would that be?"

"Well," Edmund muttered through gritted teeth," in the words of the man who stabbed me,"Don't worry; ladies will love the scar."

"Don't hold your breath." Y/N pressed harder on the cloth.

"Could you not do that?" Edmund grunted. Y/N huffed, taking away the cloth.

"I'm trying to help you," she reminded him.

"Okay, got it, but it hurts," Edmund whined. Y/N scoffed, going to get a new cloth and some alcohol.

"If you thought the water hurt," she said, pouring the burning liquid onto the material," then you are going to scream at this."

Edmund groaned. The stinging liquid, whatever it was called, was always his least favorite part of being stitched up by Y/N. It was like she was trying to make him feel more pain.

"Could you at least give me something to bite down on?" Edmund begged. Y/N shook her head.

"You're a king," she taunted."Kings are supposed to be strong, aren't they?"

"That's cruel."

"I try," Y/N copied his words from before. Edmund chuckled.

"What?" Y/N asked.

"In some lands, you would be arrested for speaking to me like that." Y/N held her head higher.

"But not in Narnia," Y/N smiled."I think your siblings would even agree with a few of my statements."

Edmund watched Y/N as she worked. It was true; in some places, Y/N words would get her thrown in jail. But Edmund wouldn't let that happen. He'd grown too fond of her.

Y/N pressed the alcohol drenched cloth to Edmund's side. He whimpered and grabbed Y/N's free hand. When he realized what he had done, he retracted his hand, trying to block out the pain. Y/N in response, pressed harder on his side. Edmund lost it.

"Screw it," he said. He reached forward and put a hand behind Y/N's head, pushing it into his. He kissed her, trying to both block out the pain and make a point.

What he didn't expect was that Y/N kissed back. She let go of the cloth, letting it drop to the ground. She put her hands on his shoulders, feeling all of the scars she had stitched up that littered his chest. Edmund grabbed her waist with his other hand, pulling her closer to him. He felt the stitching on her dress, wondering about the soft skin that it covered. He ran his hand through her hair, messing up the perfect hairdo completely. Y/N didn't care. She was to busy kissing Edmund.

When they pulled away, there was an awkward silence. The phrase,'Did that just happen?' played back in both of their minds.

"I love you," they both blurted out. They shared a smile.

"Why didn't you mention that before?" Y/N teased, not looking Edmund in the eye.

"Is there any way we can stop arguing?" Edmund laughed. Y/N shook her head.

"That's how we work," she said."We fight, we make up." She took Edmund's hand in her's and looked him in the eye."And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Aslan, I love you," Edmund breathed. He pulled Y/N back in for another kiss.

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