Caspian Oneshot

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(A/N:Hey guys! How are you? Are you good? Are you bad? Have you been keeping up with MrsFrancoise real life love story? If you haven't, go back on the chapters of my book until you find where she started talking about it; then read all of the comments and such. IT'S SO CUTE! Anyways, make sure to get something to eat, drink some water and take your meds. Love you!)

Oneshot: Y/N asks Edmund for tips on how to confess to Caspian

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Y/N was confused.

She had been living a normal life. Well, semi-normal. Then she met Caspian.

Y/N Pevensie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie. Younger sister of Peter and Susan Pevensie. Twin of Edmund Pevensie. Older sister of Lucy Pevensie. She knew what she was meant to do as a girl in the early 40's. She was meant to meet someone, fall in love, have children, grow old and die. It was a rather depressing take on life, but it was the only one that made sense. Then she and her siblings went to Narnia.

Some would say that Y/N's reaction to Narnia was a mix between her older siblings'. One part of her didn't want it, Narnia, that is. She didn't want to believe that there was something else, something bigger that she could be a part of. She was content with her place in the world, and was determined to keep it.

The other part was more like Peter. Being in Narnia, having a bigger purpose, it was riveting. The feeling that she could do anything, be anything, without anyone telling her what to do, or who to be, felt liberating.

When the Pevensie's left Narnia, the drop in spirits was evident from everyone. Peter knew that the power he once had had been ripped from his grasps. Susan knew that everything was going to go back to normal, like their trip to Narnia had never even happened. Edmund knew that he was going to be treated like a child again. Lucy knew that it was her fault they had left.

Y/N's perspective was different. Y/N was different. She had felt the freedom, the carefreeness of Narnia. She didn't know if they would ever go back to Narnia, and in the moment she didn't care.

After a while, the weight of the world dampened Y/N's feelings. She was reminded, rather forcefully, that she wasn't a queen anymore. She wasn't important to everyone anymore; no one cared what the fifteen year-old girl had to say.

Y/N slowly slipped back into her previous mindset. The mindset of a young girl who didn't see any purpose for her actions. The mindset of a young girl far more intelligent than anyone who tried to teach her. The mindset of a young girl who was lost.

Then, just like that, she and her siblings were plucked from their lives in London and sent back to Narnia. Y/N was mad for many reasons.

Y/N didn't understand. She didn't understand why she had to keep going back and forth between Narnia and the world that was slowly suffocating her. She didn't understand why the Telmarines were so cruel to the Narnians, who had done nothing more than exist. She didn't understand why the Telmarines were so focused on getting to her.

The Telmarines made any, and every, attempt at Y/N's life that they could. It appeared to most that she was their first target, their first goal. At first, no one understood. Caspian did, however.

Caspian grew up a Telmarine, taught to be cruel and take whatever he needed. Cornelius, his professor, saw something in the young prince. He saw a light, a burning passion for good and righteousness and and everything that contradicted what was being instilled into him.

So, Cornelius risked his own life to preserve that light. He taught Caspian of the Golden Age of Narnia, about the creatures and the Kings and Queens. Though they were only drawings, Caspian thought that Queen Y/N was most beautiful. He heard stories of King Peter's wrath and Queen Susan's distaste for war, of King Edmund's diplomacy and Queen Lucy's maturity at a tender age. What sparked his interest, however, and many before him, was the spirit of Queen Y/N.

It was told that Queen Y/N was the light of Narnia. She was brave and kind and everything that a queen should be. She inspired her subjects, willing them to do good and to be peaceful. The Narnians never forgot that drive. The Telmarines knew this. They thought that eliminating Y/N would damage the Narnians in a fatal manner.

Even before the Pevensie's united forces with Caspian, the Telmarines were going after Y/N. When it was confirmed that Caspian was who they thought him to be, Peter had discreetly stepped in front of his younger sister. Edmund had stepped closer to his twin. Neither brother was going to risk losing her. Y/N didn't tell her brothers that she could protect herself, like the had expected her to. She was focused on Caspian.

Caspian was handsome, yes, and looked to be around Peter's age, but that wasn't what drew her too him. She recognized something in him, the look of a child who had been depraved of everything they could be so great at. The look of someone who had a fire, a drive to do what was right. Y/N saw that look every time she looked at a mirror.

As their time in Narnia drew on, Y/N grew closer to Caspian. She didn't know how she felt about him. She knew that he was nice to her and her siblings and regarded the Narnians with the utmost respect. She knew that he was a decent swordsmen, while not coming close the

expertease of her brothers. She knew that everything in her world was a jumbled mess and that she wouldn't come to a conclusion on her own.

"Edmund?" Y/N peaked her head out of the arched doorway. She knew that Edmund liked to be outdoors and the stuffy inside of the How was probably suffocating him.

"Yes?" He replied. Edmund was sat on the edge of the How, one leg dangling, the other pulled up to his chest. His head was rested on his knee, staring out into the vast, foggy morning. Y/N sat down next to him, resting her head on her twin's shoulder.

"I don't know what to do," she sighed. Edmund gave her a puzzled look.

"I don't know how I feel about Caspian." That jogged something in Edmund's brain, as he smiled giddily.

You see, Edmund already knew the other side of this story. Caspian had approached Susan with the same question, assuming that Y/N was closer with her sister than with her brother, when, really, he should have went straight to Edmund.


"Well," Y/N sighed," I don't know how to explain. That's the problem. Everything is all jumbled up in my head and I thought that talking to you would help."

"Well, let's get this question out of the way; do you like him?" Edmund asked, maybe being more straight forward that he needed to be.

"I think so," Y/N said.

"Are you going to tell him? We don't know how long we'll be in Narnia." Y/N nodded.

"I don't know. I mean, I want to," Y/N explained,"but the Telmarines are after me because I gave the Narnians hope. Think about what they would do if I was courting their prince? The whole of Narnia might turn on us if I was courting the Telmarine prince."

Edmund hummed."That is a dilemma."

The twins sat in silence for a while. They had never really looked alike; Edmund with dark hair and dark eyes, while Y/N's hair was a strawberry blonde and her eyes a light blue. If you depended on looks, they might not even be related. However, if you have a conversation with them, it's frightening how similar they are.

"What should I do?" Y/N asked, coming to the conclusion that she wasn't going to get a conclusion.

"I think you should tell him," Edmund advised. He wasn't against his sister dating, as Peter and Susan take up enough of the mother hen role. He respected Caspian and knew that, need be, Y/N could hold her own against anyone.

"I'm scared," Y/N confessed. Edmund snorted.

"Y/N, you have never been scared of anything."

"Shut up."

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