Edmund Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! How was your Halloween? I've been developing that special-thing-that-might-maybe-probably-kinda-happen-in-a-while a lot lately. Also, I finished season one of Reign, which Anna Popplewell in a main character in! It's really good. I probably won't start the next season until I've finished Death Note, which might take me a bit. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Modern Oneshot: Edmund pays for Y/N's food anonymously and has Sherlock super powers

"That will be $5.25," the barista told Y/N, putting the PSL on the counter. Y/N rummaged around in her purse, trying to scrounge up the cash. She had rushed out of the house so quickly that morning that she had left with her purse, but not her wallet, leaving her without her credit cards and most of her cash. Her hair hadn't been washed in two days, thank God for dry shampoo, and she was sure her shoes were on the wrong feet. The day hadn't started well.

Another barista came up behind the one at the counter, whispering something in her ear then nodding in the direction behind Y/N.

"Nevermind, ma'am. Your drink has been payed for." Y/N looked up, surprised, confused and relieved all at once.

"Who payed for my drink?" Y/N asked, not bothering to zip her overflowing purse. The woman pointed behind her, smirking. Y/N turned to see who it was.

She was pointing at a man sitting at a two-person table. He looked to be about Y/N's age. His hair was dark and, in the most respectable way, a complete mess. He was focused on his phone, his elbows positioned on the table, making Y/N cringe inwardly. Her father had taught her proper table manners and would have choked on his coffee had he seen this man's lack-thereof.

Y/N thanked the barista, grabbing her drink and heading over to the man. She squared her shoulders, hoping the introduction and thank you wouldn't be as awkward as she imagined it would be.

"Excuse me," Y/N said, placing a hand on that back of the unoccupied chair. "The barista said that you payed for my drink."

"Oh." The man put his phone down, now paying attention to the woman in front of him. Even though her blouse was asque and button or two, she still looked attractive in a dorky sort of way. "Yes, that was me," he replied, attempting to smooth down his unruly hair.

Y/N took the seat across from him, setting her purse in her lap. She crossed her legs at the ankle, trying to seem more put together that she really was. "I wanted to thank you."

"There's no need," he assured her. "Why were you in such a rush this morning?"

"Oh." She had hoped he wouldn't mention anything about her appearance or frazzled manner. "I have work soon. Speaking of which," she said, standing up and smoothing out her slacks.

"Wait," the man said, stopping from making it out of the coffee shop. "What time does work start? 08:30?"

Y/N stared at him, baffled. "How did you-"

"You do realize that time changed, right?" He couldn't explain his actions for wanting to know more about this woman. "Everything is an hour later. You have to be at work in-" He quickly glanced at his watch, "Forty-five minutes. Why don't we sit and talk?"

"Alright," Y/N agreed, albeit eyeing the man suspiciously. She sat back down, seeing him relax. "First off, what's your name?"

"Edmund. Your's?"

"Y/N. How did you know I had work at 08:30?" She found it a bit creepy that he knew such the obscure time was when her shift started.

"It was a guess." Edmund smiled. "A good one, too."

"And why have you asked me on this very early morning coffee chat?" Y/N wasn't completely confident in how she worded her question. This wasn't a date, but it was definitely not a platonic coffee.

"Why not? I know you don't have a boyfriend to worry about," he acknowledged. Edmund mentally scolded himself. That probably sounded a lot more offensive than he meant it.

"How did you know I don't have a boyfriend?" Y/N asked. She wasn't offended, only curious.

"Promise you won't freak out?" Edmund really didn't want her to think he was a freak. She nodded, a bit apprehensive.

"Promise." Edmund let his brain take autopilot.

"First, no rings; no committed relationships of any kind. You agreed to work this early in the morning. You're probably the only one providing for yourself. Your lipstick, which I can see sticking out of your purse, is fresh, but not new. You don't apply it very often. Either you're not big into makeup or you don't have anyone to impress at home, work or any other place you go. No commitment, extra source of income or new makeup sounds pretty single to me," he summarized, sitting back in his chair as though he was now exhausted.


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