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(A/N: Hello guys! Hope you like this one. Now that I think about it, it might be kind of dark. Make sure to eat something, drink some water and take your meds. I love you!)

Preference: Someone was executed to keep you safe


You lost it.

The person being executed was a spy that had infiltrated the palace and become your maidservant. You had trusted her completely, only to find out that she was trying to kill you by poisoning your food.

You couldn't watch the execution. Caspian didn't make you. He had to watch, but he knew that if you had to watch, you might just tip over the edge.

When Caspian was walking back to your shared quarters, he found you in a corridor, crumbled up in a ball, crying your eyes out.

Caspian did all he knew to do. He picked you up, letting you cry onto his shoulder. He carried you to your bed, where he helped you take the pins out of your hair and your shoes off. He helped you get ready for bed, then got ready himself before getting under the covers with you. You snuggled into his chest, trying to make yourself believe it was all a bad dream. He tried to calm you down, wrapping his arms around you and stroking your hair. He knew that, despite his attempts, you were going to need time to heal. He could give you that.


You tried to stay strong.

A man had tried to enter your chambers with a sword and knife ready. He had thought that he planned everything correctly; he even made sure Peter was going to be away. He didn't plan for Peter to be relieved of his trip. When the man entered, Peter quickly subdued him then called the guards, trying to calm you down.

You didn't think that it would be that hard. Watch one firing squad. That's all you had to do. You and Peter had been put under better security and hadn't been attacked since, but you freaked out it Peter wasn't with you. For the days before the execution, Peter acted as your security blanket/body guard. You were completely put together in public. In any speech or hearing or court meeting you were at Peter's elbow, as poised and elegant as you usually were. However, each of the Pevensie's and Caspian had seen you have a breakdown.


You yelled at Edmund.

The person being executed was a child. A child! They were a pawn in a larger group trying to kill you, F/N and F/N(A/N: Peter and Caspian's wife's/girlfriend. I know, it's confusing;)). They didn't succeed, but despite you royal's best efforts, the court had ruled the boy be executed.

Everyone had argued against it. Caspian, Peter, Edmund, Lucy, Susan, You, F/N, F/N, everyone. When it did nothing, everyone was angry. You in particular.

After the execution, which they did in private since it was a child, you became furious. Maybe it was just pent up anger or maybe you had a real reason for being so angry. All you knew was you wanted to yell at something. Preferably, Edmund.

So you did. You bumped into him in a corridor and almost started screaming. You yelled and yelled, but Edmund stayed neutral. He knew that you needed to vent, and that eventually you would break like they all had. You seemed to have the strongest resolve of everyone.

He pulled you into a hug. You punched and hit his chest and shoulders, telling him to let go of you. Eventually, you slumped against him, too tired to keep screaming but not too tired to start crying.

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