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(A/N: Hey guys! Today, finally, I'm going to address Suspian and my feeling towards it. When I first watched the movies I was very young. I didn't really know how to make opinions on who I thought had a unnecessary storyline or anything of that nature. I simply took films as they were. So, inherently, the Suspian kiss was my favorite part of Prince Caspian(Now it's any part with Edmund or Peter but I forgive my younger self for her bad life choices). Only about a year ago, when I got back into this fandom more and started to read the books did I realize how underdone the storyline and movie Susan were. While now I think that it was unnecessary, there will always be the child in me that thinks that they are the cutest thing ever. Alright, just thought that I'd share the with you. Make sure to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: Your best friend

Requested by:


F/N.(A/N: Look! A wild reference appears!)

F/N was Caspian's sister. She knew that you had taken a liking to her brother, but also that it wouldn't be proper for you to make conversation with him, seeing as you were a kitchen servant. So, she organized for you to bring out Caspian's breakfast one morning. She had carefully planned it to be on a day the Caspian was feeling particularly lovestruck and heartbroken. Great combination for match making.



I mean, you are his older sister. When your parents died, you became a mother figure to Caspian, basically raising him. There was once a saying,"Because I have a sibling, I will always have a friend," and it's your's and Caspian's motto. You've always been at each other's sides, and he felt horrible for letting you get captured by the Telmarines before the Pevensie's saved you.



While you are good friends with Susan, you gravitated more towards Lucy. Maybe it was because you had younger siblings back home, but you quickly grew protective over Lucy. You did however, unlike Peter and Susan sometimes, let her have her space and didn't treat her like a child all the time. Lucy greatly appreciated that, saying that it was nice to have someone mature on her side of that old-as-time argument.

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