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(A/N: Hey guys! I'm having my friends over tonight to practice our lines for the play and generally mess around and I have to clean more or less the whole house so this might be kind of short! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: How he deals with men's whistles to you


He calls them out.

Caspian never wants you to experience anything other respect and kindness. When men catcall you on the street, he immediately either goes over to them and gives them a lecture or yells back at them, shouting some rather colorful insults.


He starts kissing you. Passionately.

When men whistle at you, it brings out a primal instinct in Peter to be territorial, to claim what is his. When someone whistles, he will immediately pounce, one hand in your hair and the other on your back, keeping you close to him. He will stop and have a public makeout session if it means that other people know that you're his.


He gets you away from whoever's doing it.

Edmund doesn't like to see you uncomfortable, especially when it's because of something as disrespectful and absurd as catcalling. He's already a firm believer that women are not just things that men can ogle on the street, and when it comes to you, he despises it even more. He would rather focus on you and making sure you feel safe than calling the guy out, so he takes you inside whatever shop you're close to or takes the long way around to the train station so that you don't have to be near the person.

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