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(A/N: Hey guys! I have something I need to tell you. From the 16th of December, or in eight days, to the 29th, I will be going on hiatus. I'm flying down to Texas for the holidays and my mom says that I shouldn't take my computer, as I've broken a computer from taking it on a flight before. I might occasionally update, very sporadically, if I have access to a computer or can do something quickly from my phone. I hope you guys understand! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Modern Preference: The boys first Daddy/Daughter day


Caspian was confident.

He thought that he knew exactly what he was doing. He was sure that he knew what your daughter liked and what she didn't, what made he cry and made her smile. Boy, was he wrong.

The way he described it afterwards, he was trying to hard. He didn't let her spend very much time on the playground because he wanted them to go get ice cream. He didn't let her get a tricycle, instead making her try on a princess costume and getting that.


Peter was happy.

Your daughter had always seemed to be more of a mommy's girl. He was always scared that she didn't like him, or something crazy like that. When your daughter expressed wanting a day with just her and her dad, Peter was thrilled.

He was really carefree about it, letting her choose everywhere they went. You want to drive an hour to the shopping center with the bookstore? The car's heating up already. You just want to walk five minutes to the park down the street? Stand still, I'm already zipping up your coat.


Edmund was nervous.

He got scared holding your daughter, much less being responsible for her life. One time, when your were still pregnant, he had had his hand's on your belly whenever your daughter kicked for the first time. He had felt it, immediately jumping back and asking if he had broken her. You were a bit worried.

He actually did pretty well, apart for the fact that she got sick the neck day because he let her take her coat off instead of insisting she put it back on.

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