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(A/N: Hello beautiful people! This one might be a little longer. Make sure you eat something, drink some water and take you meds. Love you!)

(A/N: I'm making Peter's girl be Caspian's sister. I know, it's been done to Tartarus but it will be easier. S/N means sister's name. I just use one of my friends names. )

Preference: How you meet

Requested by:


As we sat in the dining room to eat, Edmund and F/N were arguing.

It wasn't really a fight. They were debating about some foreign policy. While they did it all the time, today it seemed to strike more of a chord with me. How can they argue so much, but still love each other? How could I find a girl to love like he does?

"Cas?" S/N, from her spot next to Peter, put her hand on mine. I knew she was worried about me. I nodded to Edmund and F/N. She seemed to understand.

"Isobela," S/N called to her maidservant who was standing by the wall."Could they bring out breakfast?" She beckoned her forward for a second and whispered something in her ear. Isobela smiled, briskly stepping out of the room.

"What was that?" I asked. S/N shook her head, smirking. I looked to Peter.

He put his hands up in surrender."I know nothing more than you." I sighed, resting my head on my hands.

"I'll never understand women."

"None of us will, mate," Edmund said, kissing the back of F/N's hand that was clasped with his. I groaned.

"Hey," F/N said teasingly. She had the wrong idea. I didn't think their relationship was disgusting; I wanted all of it and more.

But, to my displeasure, I was the only royal at the palace right now that wasn't in a relationship. Susan and Lucy have friends in the outlying villages and were making their monthly rounds seeing them.

"Breakfast in served, you highnesses," Isobela said, coming back into the room holding S/N's meal. A parade of men and women trailed behind her, each carrying a platter. I searched for my meal, actually eager to get back to my study. I saw a girl, maybe the same age as me, walking forward with my plate.

"Your highness," she said, placing it in between the silverware in front of me. Her hands were not as calloused as the other servants' are usually. On one of her fingers there was a tan line where a ring would usually go.

When I looked up to thank her, many jumbled up syllables came out. She was beautiful. Her skin was tanner than I would have guessed, but it suited her hair. It was close to blonde, but almost a red, so S/N might call it strawberry blonde. I don't know, but it suited her perfectly. Around her neck, hanging on a thin chain, was her ring. I imagined she couldn't wear in on her finger in the kitchens so she strung it on a necklace. I recognized the symbol on it though.

"I know that crest," was the first thing I said to her. She looked bewildered and confused before she realized I was referring to her necklace.

"Oh," she muttered."It's rather common, your highness."

"Your hair isn't," I rebutled, twirling a piece around my finger. She closed her eyes. She looked terrified."It's beautiful." Her eyes opened quickly. She smiled.

"Thank you, your highness," she curtsied, leaving the room quickly, followed by all of the other servants.

S/N and F/N high fived over the table. I quickly made eye contact with Peter and Edmund, trying to find any support, but they were gripping their girlfriends hands, trying not to laugh.

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