Peter Mini Part Two

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(A/N: Hey guys! How is your day going? So a lot of people wanted a part two to the other Peter Mini that I posted, and one of the other prompt line requests kinda fit where I would have gone with that story, so I'm doing the part two! Also, don't expect a part two from the Edmund Mini, cause ya girl ain't doing it. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Prompt: 'Come over here and make me.' and 'Just shut up and kiss me.'

"You aren't going to get out of here this time," Peter hissed at the girl on the other side of the bars. Y/N smirked up at him.

"You weren't able to stop me the last three times," she said. "What makes you think you can keep me in here?"

Peter pondered this for a moment. How did he think he was going to keep her locked up? Unless he stood vigil day and night, he couldn't trust that anyone else could keep her in her cell.

"Do you want to know how I do it?" she asked him. He saw her posture change, her voice become more sultry than before. "How I escape your guards again and again, over and over?" She leaned in closer to him, and Peter unconsciously tilted his ear towards her. "I misbehave. I let the men think that they are in control, because Aslan knows that men love to hold the power, but we both know that I'm the one who has the leverage. I'm the one that controls the criminals that they keep in these cells, and the ones that still roam the streets. Most of the guards don't even realize how much pull I have in a space they assume they control."

Peter came to his senses, jolting away from cell as though the metal had burned him. Y/N smiled at him mischievously.

"Even you, the courageous little High King wants to listen to me," she tutted. "Your mind is more pliable than I had originally thought."

"How do you do that?" he gasped out.

"Do what, my king?" Y/N feigned innocence. "I meant no harm."

"Y-you know what you are doing!"

"I assure you, truly, nothing comes to mind."

Oh, now she was just playing with him and his pent up anger over his search for the bandit who couldn't be caught.

"Stop messing with me," he said.

"Come over here and make me." Y/N went further into her cell, beckoning Peter to open it to go to her. Peter came to grip the bars, but made no move for the ring of keys on his belt.

"You're insane," he said through gritted teeth. Y/N quickly moved back to the bars, her face oh so close to his.

"Just shut up and kiss me."

Peter didn't even have time to react before she pressed her lips to his, and he failed to notice the jangling of keys while she ravaged his mouth. He nearly went weak at the knees; he'd never been kissed like that.

The High King felt the bars move closer to him and pulled away from the bandit, watching as she slipped out of the cell and close the creaking door behind her. She looped the key she had stolen back onto the ring on his belt, then stole a quick kiss before punching Peter, leaving the already confused boy unconscious.

"Can't have it look like you went down without a fight," Y/N said to no one as a bruise began to form on his majesty's cheek. She figured that people would think one of the other inmates had knocked Peter out for her to escape. They didn't need to know that the only reason she was getting out was because she nearly seduced the king.

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