Peter Oneshot

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(A/N: Hey guys! It's 11:54 PM at the time I'm writing this. I want to start timing myself to see how long it takes me to do some oneshots and preferences. Anyways, I got this idea while writing the preference that I posted before this. It is a Peter oneshot, which some people requested more of, so here you go! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Also, get some sleep. I know that it is probably not possible to get eight hours for everyone, but at least get SOME sleep. I love you guys and would be sad if you weren't taking care of yourselves. Okay, apparently I get really deep at what is now midnight. Great.)

Oneshot: You save someone from death row with Peter


"Are you sure? If we go to him with false evidence, he'll..." I paused,"Well, I don't know what he'd do, and I'd prefer not to find out."

       "Y/N, I'm sure," Edmund reassured. We were trying to save a centaur, whose only offence was major theft. The court had elected that the death penalty be invoked. They were holding the execution in, maybe, ten minutes. Peter would kill us if we interrupted the execution for no reason, seeing as he didn't want either of us there to see it.

        "What if it doesn't work?" I wondered aloud."What if we are too late, Edmund? He has a wife, a family. That's the only reason he was stealing."

       "Y/N, don't you think I get that?" Edmund had been trying to collect statements from the centaur's friends and family, and it had put a large toll on him over the last few days."I understand the you're worried. I am too, but you need to calm down."

       I nodded. We waited for maybe five minutes. We needed everyone in the court to be there. It wouldn't be fun to restate our plan over and over again. (A/N: I went to sleep and it's now 8:01 AM.)

        A clock somewhere in the palace rang ten times. Ten o'clock.

        "Alright," Edmund huffed, standing and gathering his things."Let's go."

       We made our way towards the execution chambers. They were fairly large, which had always set me off edge. Down winding staircases and sloping hallways, we finally made it to the underground rooms.

        "Are you ready?" Edmund asked, stopping at the doors. I fiddled with my ring one last time before putting it securely on my finger.


       Edmund pushed the doors opened, revealing a confused court, depressed centaur and angry Peter.

        The centaur was in the middle of the room, his head literally resting on a chopping block. The court was seated around him, Peter at the far end of the room. He wasn't wearing his full uniform, settling for a tunic and trousers.

        "What-" Peter gripped his chair, his knuckles going white."What are you two doing here?"

       "I'm sorry," I mouthed to Peter. I looked to Edmund and nodded.

        "We are here to discuss the wrongful sentence this centaur was given." A wave of quiet voices or gasps fluttered through the room.

        "Neither of you were supposed to be down here," Peter mumbled.

        "I'm a king, if you remember correctly. She's your queen." Edmund pointed to me."If we wanted in, we could get in."

       "Well," A gravely voice from the corner said. I turned to face Luther, a nobleman serving on the court. I don't know why Peter keeps him around. He was the one who pushed for the death penalty."Aside from scheduling marriage counseling," His eyes flitted between Peter and I,"I believe we have an execution to go through with." He sneered. He stood up, walking closer to me."Unless the queen wants to share her thoughts."

       He was maybe a foot away from me now. I gripped at my sleeves, using all of the composure I had to be diplomatic.

        "Return to your seat, Luther," Peter ordered. Luther gave me one last glare before sitting back down. I relaxed a little bit.

        "As I was saying," Edmund interjected,"you have wrongfully sentenced this centaur. His crime was not violent. He harmed no one." Edmund, under the radar of everyone else, gave Peter a begging glance. I saw Peter return a pleading one.

        "Do not kill him," I continued."He has a family to support. Let him work off his sentence." I turned to face the centaur, whose eyes were wild."You would take that bargain, I assume?"

       He nodded."Anything but death, your majesty." I turned back the the court, walking around in front of everyone as I spoke.

        "The sentence you gave him was hasty and underthought. It didn't cross anyone's mind that an entire family will not be able to support themselves?" No one shook their heads but I saw looks of guilt."This centaur," I waved a hand to him,"doesn't deserve this." I turned to Peter."At all."

       While I didn't think I was that intimidating, some of the men were shaking. Even Peter and Edmund had gone pale.

        "Let him go." I swept a glare around the room. A few moments of silence followed. I could practically see the gears in Peter's stubborn head turning. He stood up, walking towards me. When he reached me he grabbed my hand, pulling me into step next to him.

        "Take the centaur back to his cell," Peter said, taking off his crown and messing up his hair."We will hold a meeting to decide what his reduced punishment is."

       "But, sire-"

       "His cell," Peter commanded through gritted teeth."Edmund," Peter called to his brother who stood at attention."Make sure everything is in order."

       Edmund nodded. I think anyone would have taken any orders from Peter right now. He was fuming.

        Peter slightly dragged me to our chambers. I to jog to keep up, glad that I wasn't wearing heels. When we got to our door, Peter let go of my hand and slipped inside. I followed him, a bit nervous about what was going to happen.

        Peter set his crown on the dresser, fixing his hair in the mirror above it. I stood behind him, looking at his face in the mirror.

        He had a bit of stubble on his jaw and neck, making him look more handsome than he already is. His blue eyes were blazing with a certain kind of fury. His hair was messily pushed to the side(A/N: I'll add the picture up there /\). He, for lack of a better word, looked really hot.

        "Are you angry?" I asked, treading lightly. Peter turned around, arms crossed, and leaned back against the dresser.

        "Why would you ask that?" He played dumb.

        "Peter," I sighed. He threw up his hands, walking around the room.

        "Why would I be angry? Not only did both you and Edmund directly disobey me, you stopped the execution of a criminal. You made me look like a fool in front of the whole court." He laughed sarcastically."I have nothing to be angry about."

       "We saved a criminal," I pointed out, getting more frustrated."He didn't deserve to die."

       "Don't you think I knew that?" Peter argued. I paused.


       "I was going to suggest giving him another trial. I know that Edmund is better with diplomacy, so I wanted him to stay with you. I wanted to give it a shot." He looked at me indignantly."I had it sorted."

       "So you got angry with me because I stole your thunder?" I shot back."Is that really what matters here?" I stepped towards him.

        "You are an idiot," I mumbled. I hooked my fingers through his belt loops, pulling him closer. He nodded cupping the back of neck and head.

        "I know." He smashed his lips to mine, quickly kissing me. He started to walk forward so I stepped backward and soon my back hit the wall.

        Peter moved his kisses to my jaw, quickly following to my neck. I arched my back, pushing into him.

        "You are so annoying," I breathed. I could feel him smile.

        "I know."

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