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(A/N: Hey guys! Happy(late) Thanksgiving! And if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving then I hope you had a really good Black Friday. My mom and I went to the local mall thingy and got the rest of our Christmas shopping done. I got so many Harry Potter related things, it's not even funny. Oh well. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Narnian!Preference: Their perfect date


A picnic.

Caspian is a romantic, and a soppy one at that. He loves to take you on all of the cliche dates because, A. It makes you laugh at how cheesy it is and B. It's still really sweet. When you go for picnic dates, he brings a basket full of your favorite foods, though he always brings something that you've never even thought of trying.



Peter always wants to be active. He saves all of his 'sitting down' time for court meetings where he has to sit down. Otherwise, he's up and walking around, so he would get really bored having a dinner date or something like that.

He prefers to go on active dates, but his favorite is swimming. He loves the water and chasing you in the water and seeing you in a swimsuit.



Edmund loves horses and you. Going for a ride with you is literally his perfect ANYTHING. He loves the whole process. Helping you get your insanely large horse ready because you're not tall enough, giving you a boost onto the horse, racing you into the forest, jumping over logs that have fallen, eventually stopping and falling asleep in the woods.

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