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(A/N: Hey guys! Guess who had to go to the dentist! RIP me. I don't have to get anything done but I have a loose tooth that I either have to wiggle out on my own or let them pull, and homie don't play that so nah. Anyways, that inspired today's preference. Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: Who's better at the dentist


He is.

You. Can't. Stand. The. Dentist. The thought of someone else messing around your teeth creeps you out to no end. The dentist you go to isn't mean or anything, but at the mention of having a tooth pulled you literally jumped out of the chair. Caspian is much better, sitting patiently while they do the standard check up.


You're both horrible.

While you and Peter are pretty different in a lot of respects, you both squirm at the idea of going to the dentist. You're fine being in the place, you just don't like being operated on. Peter, however, doesn't even want to be there when you have to get a procedure done. He usually sits in the waiting room until you're done, then he comes and helps you home because you're still groggy from the laughing gas.


You are.

Edmund is a nightmare at the dentist. He gets super anxious and worked up and it's honestly kind of sad, but you know that he has to do it. When he sits in the chair he moves around a lot and fiddles with the napkin they put over his chest. The laughing gas is never enough to calm him if he needs a filling, so he has to take a valium pill beforehand, which is a trainwreck on its own because he has a hard time taking pills!

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