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(A/N: Hey guys! Guess who just found out she's going to ComicCon! *pterodactyl noise* I'M SO EXCITED. I think I'm going to to a Marvel Bound (kinda like a Disney bound but, ya'know, Marvel,) as Doctor Strange, cause Benedict Cumberbatch is life. Anywho, on with the preference! Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Preference: What he looks so in a partner


Caspian needs someone he can help.

Not going to lie, Caspian often gravitates towards the people that are, how to put it, fixer-uppers. He needs someone who he can guide, who can make him feel like he has a purpose. He finds the vulnerability of most of the people he's attracted to very kind and nearly innocent.


Peter needs someone he can talk to.

The real nitty gritty conversations, that's what Peter needs. He needs someone he can be open with, and visa versa. He needs someone that he can talk to whenever he wants to for however long, not having to worry that they'll have to end the conversation and leave Peter with things left to say.


Edmund needs someone that can talk for days on end.

Edmund is a pretty quiet guy when he wants to be, which is most of the time. He would prefer if his partner took the lead in the conversation. He also just loves watching them talk about things that they're passionate about, things that make their eyes light up and make them shake with excitement.

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