Peter Oneshot 1/2

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(A/N: Hey guys! I just finished Arrow, or what of it is on Netflix, at least. At this point, that means seasons 1-4. No spoilers in the comments guys! DON'T DO IT. Also, thanks to AmazingPhil, I have a very sudden itch to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I was going to watch it, but it's not on Netflix anymore. *SOBS* Remember to eat something, drink some water and take your meds! Love you!)

Requested oneshot: The reader is Caspian's sister, but she's also half mermaid

As their time in Narnia drew on, Peter Pevensie began to feel the need for some of the modern amenities he might have taken for granted in England.

In England, as long as it wasn't during a bomb raid, they had running water and soaps and such. Those things were commonplace, in every household. One could bathe whenever they needed, and it wouldn't ever have been an issue.

When the Pevensie children lived in Narnia during the Golden Age, one of the things that took some getting used to was having baths as their only means of washing, and baths in giant tubs made of wood, no less. They took a long time to fill, and Peter always felt guilty upon seeing servants dragging buckets of water up to his room.

When they got to Aslan's How, Peter could only think of finding a nice stream or small alcove that had cool water running through it.

"I'm going to try to find a stream," Peter said to his siblings, "or somewhere else to bathe."

"That's a good idea," Susan said, only suddenly realizing just how greasy her hair was. "Be careful."

"I will," he replied, stuffing a towel into his bag. The Narnians had turned out to be pretty well stocked on some things, but soap wasn't one of them.

Peter set off into the woods, knowing that, since streams were common in Narnian forests, he wouldn't have to walk very far to find somewhere suitable to bathe.

The High King didn't search for very long. He soon came upon a pool that he assumed lead back to the ocean because of the way it was lapping at the ground around it.

When he looked a bit farther down the bend that the stream went around, he saw what he resolved at first was just a girl, laying on her stomach in the water.

"Hello," Peter said, trying not to spook her. While she seemed harmless, Narnia was now a different place from the Golden Age. With all the he had learned, Peter couldn't be sure of anything.

The girl looked up at him, startled. She let out a cry, one that sounded more dolphin than woman. Using her arms, she turned herself around so that her back was facing Peter, revealing the back of her bikini top and tail.

Peter gulped. He had had run in's with mermaids before, but never this far inland. Usually, the only times they allowed humans to see them was in the open ocean, where they could flee into the deep sea if danger arose. He was relatively sure that she was a mermaid and not one of their cousin species, the sirens, because; A. Sirens took every opportunity they got to trap and kill humans, and B. Siren's tails are spiky and usually darker than mermaids.

"I'm not going to hurt you-" he tried to say, but the girl had already made her way around the bend and into deeper water.

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