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(A/N: Hello beautiful people!(You are all beautiful, just thought I'd put that out there.) I have exciting news! I have started working on a very complicated and detailed project; A wedding preference! I'm going to be planning your wedding! After I wrote everything out, I figured out that is will be a longer process than I originally anticipated, so I don't know when it will be posted. It will be very detailed and special, so I hope you don't mind the wait. On a side note, I am starting to post my preferences and oneshots on Tumblr! My Tumblr username is @/narnianroyalties. There are going to be some exclusive drabbles and whatnot there and there only, so don't miss out! Alright, let's get going with this preference!)

Preference: His favorite thing about your personality


Your bubbliness.

With you around, there was never a dull moment. Ever. You were a walking disco ball; people knew of your existence and assumed any event would be more fun with you there, and it always was.

People loved you. When Caspian announced you as their new queen, he was frightened for many reasons, one being that people might not like that your weren't of any status before your coronation. The people, and you, proved him wrong. They loved your personality, and Caspian loved that he got to see you happy, enjoying the company of your new subjects.

Caspian's favorite thing about you was that you could cheer him up. If he was feeling at all sad, he couldn't help but smile with you around. Whether it was just the fact that he's extremely fond of you, or if your personality was just so uplifting, he may never know. What he does know, however, is he will never be willing to let your bubbly self go.


Your childishness.

You were good friends with Peter before you started courting. You knew Peter had been through alot, and that he was always more mature than the other people your age. For many, that's why they never thought you two would be good together; you were far opposites that it seemed it would never work out.

When you started courting, however, people were astonished by the change in Peter's attitude. He seemed more relaxed with you at his elbow, and his siblings noticed that he was smiling a lot more. Peter would never admit it, not to you at least, but your immaturity was actually was drew you to him.

Peter knew that he was very tense and sometimes to stern. He knew that he grew up too fast, but he didn't really have a choice. He loved that you were so carefree, so in tune with your inner child. You brought out this wild side of him, this child that had been so repressed. He was forever grateful to you for that.


How you hold yourself.

Edmund was always very impulsive. While in some instances he thought too much, in others he didn't. He, even as king, didn't hold himself to a very high standard. Then he met you.

You were a nobleman's daughter. You were not rich or important in any large way at the time. But something about you was different. You held yourself to a higher standard than those around you. Of all of the girls that Edmund had met your age, you seemed more refined. Not necessarily stuck up or anything of that nature; you were graceful and polite, all good qualities for a future queen.

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