Edmund Oneshot: Happy Birthday Water Girl!

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(A/N: Hey guys! This is a very special oneshot. It is a birthday oneshot for one of my best friends Morgan! . Anyways, she is moving across the pond soon, so I couldn't give her money and I didn't want to get her something else she would have to move. So, I'm writing this for her! Go tell her Happy Birthday! This is a oneshot that has her name in it, but don't worry, the rest of the oneshots in this book will be X readers. Alrighty. PSA over.)

Edmund's POV

        It was Morgan's birthday eve.

        Although she's not a very sentimental person, she loves to keep up with traditions. One of her birthday traditions was to stay up that night until the clock struck twelve, meaning it was officially her birthday. This year she was turning thirteen and becoming a teenager. Another tradition was that I stayed the night at her house every year, seeing as we've been best friends since childhood. We would watch her favorite movies and sneak peaks at the cake Morgan's mother had made.

        Usually we wouldn't make it to midnight. We would come down from our sugar high and immediately pass out, leaning against each other in the living room.

        I was extremely tired at this point. We had watched all of the Percy Jackson movies, (Morgan pointing out each and every inaccuracy), and the entire first season of Sherlock in one sitting. Morgan, however, was wide awake. Well, she wasn't really wide awake; more like on the verge of collapsing. She was determined to stay awake, though. I was sitting on the ground in front of her while she was sitting on the couch as I rested my head against her knee. 

        "Morgan?" I mumbled. Morgan turned her attention away from Sherlock's best man speech.

        "Yes?" Her eyes were sleepy, so I knew she was tired as well.

        "Can we go to sleep?" I asked hopefully. Morgan faked a shocked look, shaking her head.

        "Nope," she said, getting off of the couch and sitting next to me."We have to stay awake."

       I groaned."But it's," I glanced down at my watch," 23:31. If you don't sleep now, how are you going to have any energy for your party tomorrow?" Morgan was having a bunch of her friends over for a party in the morning, and it would be a shame if she was asleep for most of it.

        "You'll keep me awake?" She asked, smiling. I nodded.

        "Sure. But who's gonna keep me awake?" I whisper yelled, flailing my arms. She laughed.

        "I see your point."

       "So can we go to bed?" I reiterated. Morgan laughed again and put her head on my shoulder.

        "Edmund, do you not want to stay up and watch Sherlock with me?" She asked. I sighed and put my head on top of hers, trying not to fall asleep.

        "I do. The only problem is I've seen this episode a thousand times."

       "Well, I'm glad you're watching it with me. We could be playing chess." She remembered. I shuddered. I love playing chess, but Morgan was awful at it and insisted that she won a game for everyone that she lost. I eventually convinced her to give up, but not before bribing her by making eggless cookie dough.

        "Never again." I said playfully. She laughed and nuzzled more into my neck. Although we act very couple-y, we've never even mentioned any feeling towards each other. Even though I have a crush on her, I doubt she would feel the same way.

        We sat in silence, peacefully watching the end of the Sherlock episode. Occasionally one of us would reach forward and grab a bit of cookie dough, or grabbing our drinks to take a sip. At the end of the episode I reached forward to pick the next one, but Morgan's head lolled forward. I smirked.

        She finally fell asleep.

        I knew she would. If I just stopped talking for a little bit, she would eventually fall out of consciousness. I checked my watch.


        If I was correct, Morgan had stayed awake the entire night, meaning she had finally met her goal of staying up until midnight.

        I picked her up slowly and put her back on the couch, trying not to wake her up. I put one of the blankets her mother had set up over her and put a pillow under her head. She snuggled into the blanket and pillow unconsciously, smiling softly. I moved her hair away from her forehead, kissing it softly.

        "Goodnight, sweetheart. Happy Birthday." I grabbed the other set of pillow and blankets and settled down on the ground, smiling until I fell asleep.

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